another small yay

i know i know i need to make the website pretty and what not but i figured i would blog shortly because i have a new videocard on the way *dances* and this means a lot more fun for me because finally i will be able to get more than 5 (if i’m lucky.. it’s usually 2) FPS on second life™!!! i’m hoping that for now that will be the only thing needing upgraded X_x if anything else requires more power or something… i will just wait until i can purchase a whole new computer.

in other news, since we are on the yay subject, i am in our almost finished shop right now, dancing while lucas finishes building! we were kindly asked to plop a store down on tainted hearth which is owned by aza zymurgy and lacey mertel, well known for their very cool shadow things shop. the sim is gorgeous and creepy and still being built, and we are very greatful to have this opportunity to join them there 😀

the top part of the shop is going to have a little gallery for my work (hopefully) and that should be fun to put together as well.

with all this new stuff and yayness i’m getting inspired and have the drive to actually make things! so hopefully we’ll have some new goodies out soon!


i have to fiddle with some things and make myself a wordpress theme but… yay look! i can has hosting that isn’t :3 thank you marx for being a helpful little bun bun!

Glammy Night Out

so i’ve decided maybe to make wednesday the “from nimil’s closet” day. we’ll see if i can come up with crap hah. i’m always helping friends find cute outfits and stuff so i figure i’ll bring it to the masses.

for my first rummage though the closet i bring you a glammy outfit to wear for a night on the town.

this dress is called diva and it can be found for free right now at bijou. it also comes with a cape but i decided the dress was much cuter without it. the skin is one i’ve never worn but got from La Sylphide. i think it was either in the subscribe o matic or it was a gift from the starlust motel hunt. i decided to check out today and wow i love it! i will probably wear it much more 😀 the hair is from one of my favourite hair creators KIN and it is called trish. anyone that knows me knows i love hair in my eyes. finally the shoes, omg the shoes… this is a pair of belles from shiny things that i nabbed at the shoe expo. i could not pass these up!

hair – Trish (black) by Kin
skin – ingrid light – smoky starlust by La Sylphide(i think this was a subscribe o matic gift)
dress – Diva by Bijou (free at shop)
shoes – belles (black) by shiny things

well hello there blog..

yes i forgot to update again, are you going to sue me? no of course not because nobody reads this thing :p

so what’s going on in the world recently?

well a few days ago i was wisked off to the lingerie expo by moggs and ended up dragging lucas around the sim looking at undies. i did nab a few freebies but did not manage to take anything home… i think perhaps i have enough undies to last me a while and don’t need anymore lol. after that, i wooshed off to the shoe expo (good god how many expos are going on???) and ended up with a sexy pair of heels from shiny things, as well as a kick ass pair of wellie style boots from the people who made my favourite chuck taylors (and who’s name i have totally forgotten…. i suck for writing blogs when i’m not even logged into sl…)

anyway rather fun because i am a little fashion nut even if i don’t seem like it sometimes. yes i admit i love playing dress up…

also going on recently, loco pocos has created MORE avatars! and i am so excited because one of those is a rat and i’ve been waiting for that since before they officially opened *does dance*

there are other things going on, secret things, which i will reveal later when i make sure that i can!

personal wise, i will be attempting to step up my photography skillz because i’m really starting to get good at it and it’s really fun! recently i learned how to paint hair, and that will come in handy because prim hair, no matter how good it is… it’s just not good enough :p. i’m also going to try and make some pieces in the same style as my rl art. it’s dark and evil but it’s so much fun to make.

here are two recent pieces featuring my gorgeous and wonderful boyfriend lucas.



 modern messiah

make sure you click for the full view so you can see all the lovely details. and i do believe that’s all i have to say.

*gasp* more blogging?

yes more blogging, because i just got back from the awesome public grand opening of the loco poco sim!

if you haven’t had a chance to check this place out now is the time! today there was a scavenger hunt and the winners netted a special unique avvie that you can’t buy in the shop 😀 it took me and lucas a while to get all the items but the hunt was great and i bumped into alot of people that i knew from plurk and other things.

and i took a BUNCH of awesome pictures!



loco pocos just blows me away. the time and energy that went into making not only the avvies themself but also the sim is staggering. to think all of this was completed in just a few months, it’s awesome…

new from LuNi Designs!

hand painted eyes in every colour of the rainbow. comes in a pack or individuals

Full Set

Full Set

Full Set

check out the LuNi Designs SLX page for individual eyes

Graphophilia Tattoo

graphomania: a morbid and excessive impulse to write.

Ever scribbled on yourself for fun? Do you like the smell of magic markers? Have you ever written a phone number on your hand and liked the feeling?

You might just be a graphophile.

A sexy full body tattoo for people with too much to say and not enough places to write it down.

(this tattoo is lunisex)

busy busy busy

it’s been a busy weekend for me which is rare! first on friday, lucas turned 2 years in sl. we celebrated his rezday with a kick ass party filled with friends and fireworks. Lucas wrote a very touching blog which i would like to point out here because i believe that it really sums up his experience in sl thus far.

then on saturday codie’s new sim “rouge” opened and we partied there for a little while. i believe at the time we were there, codie had 86 people in the sim packed into her club! my photos from the party came out horrible because i had to turn down my settings just to move, but you can see them on my flickr account. rouge is one hell of a sim, terraformed and built by eshi otawara into the likeness of codie chained to a dance pole. (map by ryker beck) it’s very breathtaking and i hope to get a moment to go there when it’s not full of people so i can explore it in it’s entirety.

at midnight slt lucas and i got to go to the loco poco’s sim for the special group opening night. lucas and i both got mouse loco pocos and ran around exploring the sim. it will open to the public on the 9th and it is SO worth it! loco pocos is the work of damien fate and washu zebrastripe so you know it’s good :p i was half asleep by the time i got there so i only ended up getting one photo up, however, there is a loco poco flickr group so you can check all of the photos taken from that night on there.

sunday i was lazy, but then downloaded the newest RC in an attempt to give LL’s client a try (i’ve been on the nicholaz browser for a long time due to it’s patches for the memory leaks) and i was pleasantly surprised that it’s pretty damn stable. dazzle is as ugly as i expected… it’s not really the shape of the new buttons or anything.. just that it’s eyeball killing bright… thankfully a friend showed me some wiki pages that had replacement skins if i decide to stick with the RC. so far i’ve been able to leave it running for several hours without getting the “your ram has been eaten” message followed by crashing. i only crashed twice and i think both times were my fault more than the client’s fault. so that’s pretty cool. i also attempted to make my xbox 360 controller work with the client’s joystick feature, as i’d seen someone use it on a tutorial on youtube, however when i attempted this my camera would do crazy spins and make me spin around in a circle like a tard. so that’s a no go as of right now. perhaps later i can figure it out (of if any of you know how to fix that lemmie know!)

long time, no post

oops, i didn’t mean to stay away so long i promise! i’ve been having some off sl time lately to try and clear my head and figure out some real life things, so i haven’t had much to blog about lately. however, recently i amazed myself and built a small installation at Brooklyn Is Watching (see the BIW blog post about it here). it is hard for me to really put my thoughts and feelings into words but images and music i can express things much easier, so i left that at brooklyn is watching and it seems to have gotten a good response.

recently arahan left the flickr community and really i cannot blame him because every day it just seems more and more like a big stupid popularity contest. really if i had the space online somewhere to upload all of my sl photos i would most likely become rather scarce on there myself. kham made a good point though in saying that without flickr alot of us would never have met eachother, however sadly, there’s alot of people that i would never like to meet lol.

the whole flickr deal really raises the question of what you concider art. personally, art to me is something that bares the soul, touches a part of us, makes us think, or expresses something which words alone cannot. mindlessly photoshopped images of avatars in modeling poses are not art.

so what else has been going on? well i turned 2 on the 11th of this month! so i’ve been in second life for a full 2 years now :D! it’s definitely been an interesting 2 years. i spent the earlier part of my rezday visiting old places that i used to go to when i was a noob but most of them were gone which kinda sucked… and then i spent some time with friends and lucas, and it was a nice night.

some of you may have noticed that i am not the same looking avatar that i have been for 2 years, i’ve given myself a new shape which i feel is more “me” like… not really real life me, but i think it does me justice more than my previous one.

i don’t think i have anything else to talk about so i’ll end this here.

Does FedEx® hate art or is the FedEx® sim an imposter?

as some know my friends Arahan Claveau and Nebulosus Severine are both working on art exibits inside second life™ both in Amsterdam and the Virtual Holland sims for a week. a couple of nights ago we were chatting with neb about her massive lightspeed tunnel which in my opinion is an amazing work of prims and textures. during this chat she mentioned that the “co owner” of the neighboring sim, which bares the name “FedEx®”, came by and demanded she remove her art! he stated that there was too much glow and that things were too shiny and if she did not comply and remove the art he would speak to a linden and have her banned! take into concideration that this artwork is on the virtual holland sim, and NOT his sim, which in it’s own self makes his demands worthless.

we started looking into the situation when he flew over and rudely commented “i hope this is gone in a week.” yes we were a little childish, neb rezzed a picture of her bending over in a mooning pose but she was clothed in the photo and again, this is NOT ON HIS LAND!

lets take a look at Kalvin Jefferson, this so called “co-ceo” of FedEx®, as his group title states. his credentials on the main profile, sure they look sharp… but do real marketing professionals, working for a major company, purchase second hand sims and NOT move them to their own grid location not connected to any other sim? the FedEx® sim is located bordering the virtual holland sim as well as a couple of other sims owned by the same group. that’s only the tip of the iceberg. when contacting nebulosus about her art he called her “darling”. i’m sorry that’s not professional at ALL. he then banned anyone who tried to speak with him rationally about the situation except for the owner of virtual holland. they began to construct a rather crude prim wall in the one area where her tunnel was located.

let us also take a moment to dig further and check out the “owner” of this FedEx® sim, xbrian Sands

xbrian’s profile made the inner grammar-nazi in me want to destroy small planets…

What can FedEx offer u in SL? FedEx will make it so u can ship your packages Right here in SL,Thats right no more Logging out to run to the post office.U will be able to ship any package from right here in SL.Plus We will offer shipping right here in SL. at a small fee.Thats right suprise your lady and have us take her Roses with a note card from or send gifts.Let us handle your Delivery.

what professional in their right mind types like that?!?! “u” is NOT an acceptable replacement for “you”!!! especially when you are supposed to be a professional in marketing. as well they did not use the ® symbol when writing out FedEx which most major corporate sims that i have seen always make sure to use the correct branding marks when writing out the names of companies.

UPDATE! xbrian Sands no longer has anything related to FedEx® in his profile… hrm.. curious isn’t it?

their group for the sim also includes the same horribly miswritten text along with the official FedEx® logo for their group image.

none of the group members look like they are really part of any real world corporation. their profiles look like normal second life™ people.

i am all but convinced that this is a sham. if i am wrong then my appologies go to FedEx® because you are working with a very immature team.

still waiting on word on if this is actually a fake company or if this is a real company, but it just looks a bit questionable in my opinion.