figured i should post something heh.
lately second life has been pretty fun. since quitting my dancing job and getting rid of unwanted drama, i’ve been hanging out with new people and doing some fun stuff!
a group of us from the old crimson falls rp sim have come together to start a rp game in suffigium. while we are not the official rp group for the city, we are probably more active than the real group. i am on the creative team :D! so cool. finally get to rp something that i know and love. whee!
now for today’s fun photos.

me with the awesome psyra! one of the great non-human avatars in second life π

here you can see him smushing me and my twin brother. such a mean draggy :p

:p not to mention a cold blooded killer! hehe just kidding.
during my bored travels i managed to find this little gem:

isn’t it awesome!?! 7-11!!
i also found the end of the internet:

this is my new friend foehn! we’re crazy >:3

she is really fucking tall!

she and i hung out in a mall with uh.. this person…

yeah i’m one of those weird kids who hangs out on the fountains at malls and makes you feel awkward by staring.

sl boy got on too and i caught him and put him in a stasis tube so he cannot leave me again! hehe just kidding, this is his home tp in my sky lab π <3
speaking of my sky lab

there it be. that thing on the roof is me hehe
ok update just came online but there isΒ traffic jam so i’m currently waiting in queue to get on :/