meshes and shadows…

its been an annoying couple of weeks for me on second life due to some strange teleport issues that only affect me when on an old style ui viewer such as snowglobe or imprudence. so i’ve been using kirstens viewer since it allows me to actually leave my home. since i’m on it i’m playing with shadows since i can :p

test build 40 of the s20 viewer is very nice and anti aliasing seems to have improved from previous builds. still not great but getting a lot smoother.


my front patio is looking gorgeous… its kind of tempting to stick with this viewer. the UI is starting to give me less of a headache but kirstens does not include rlv or temp texture uploads 🙁 i wish someone would fork it and patch it…

today was also the start of the mesh beta so i grabbed that viewer as well and tried stuff out! its pretty crowded right now so it was hard to log in to the test regions but i finally got in and uploaded a dumpster i’d previously made in 3ds max back in june.


this is what it looked like in 3ds max

low poly dumpster

now its time to stop goofing off and work a bit more! lots of cool stuff coming out at [ LuNi ]

where was i?

a lot of people have been asking where i’ve been. i’ve gotten quiet and pretty much all of march i was rather inactive on my blog, flickr, and other stuff. well the first reason for that is just real life depression, and i’m slowly trying to work though that. still a lot of stuff to get used to after the death of my father.

the second reason for this is that lucas and i were working on a sim for a store owner who contacted him. although he doesn’t usually do custom work, we were asked to build them a 100% custom build. everything from textures to sculpties to terraforming, all of it was 100% made by us, no prefab work at all. and he would have free reign on the idea of how it should look. that perked his interest and we decided to accept it.

it ended up with too many things changed to what was laid out to make the effort worth while, so we decided to part ways with them after the initial month.

fortunately we got some really good material out of it that might turn out to be sold at the store. among other things, it gave us a new store build to play with too.

to leave this entry i thought i would share some pictures that i took while we were building the sim.

most of this work is lucas’ i’m not much of a builder so he’s the star here. i made some cool textures though and it taught me a lot about making textures for builds.

what we did in march

lucas had a cool idea for this place including some stuff he never got the chance to build. one thing he was able to build was the heart.

in his own words:

“i wanted to imagine a sim having a heart, literally. and since we’ve kinda worked with ‘heart themes’ in the past this was an idea that kept appealing to me. to imagine a transplanted heart growing inside of a sim and spreading its arms out to touch and make everything its own.”

to give you an idea of how big that heart was… that little hard to see dot to the right is lucas standing there… so just imagine how massive it was in person.

what we did in march

what we did in march

the store build was based loosely on the house from edward scissorhands, and i’m really kinda glad we get to keep it, because i love it. and yes i’m trying to talk him into making prefabs, but feel free to try begging him yourself as well :p

what we did in march

what we did in march

i made this awesome window light thing! it came out pretty cool for my first try at something like this. i also made the textures for the store including that awesome shattered window.

in the end i can’t say i’m not disappointed that we didn’t get to finish the sim. we had some great ideas for the rest of the place that we never got a chance to make. i hope that lucas will put some of this stuff up for sale in the future.

GODart and more…

so the GODart opening party came and when and i had a great time! there was tons of lag and tons of people but everyone managed to move around enough to see the art and enjoy the music. and i even snapped some pictures.


loglady even put out the collector’s case from the twisted hunt! that was a shock but so awesome to see XD.

so later after all that happened, lucas and i went with a couple of friends to a fashion show at the DC district, which is owned by our friend drakon cortez. everything was going well and we were watching the models when some chick jumped onto the catwalk and then flew away… so we figured he bounced her or something. but moments later the entire fashion show area was covered in griefer particles! i have to admit it was kinda funny but i feel really bad for the designer, models, and most of all drak X_x but he bounced her ass out of there and the particles went with her. it was so weird though… its been a long time since i’ve seen an actual griefing lol. back when i was a noob they were everywhere… now its so rare.

speaking of fashion…

la ultima festival (by N I M I L)

la ultima fiesta is now available at our store! this is my second dress ever and i am so proud of it. i’m really getting the hang of this clothing stuff! there’s a white version of this too but i’m partial to the black :p so go check those out at our store or on xstreet!

weenie cocks

no not really but that was the most recent search result someone googled and found my blog, so i figured i’d make it the subject.

i really have nothing to blog about.. well ok yes i do, but i dunno if i can blog about it yet lol. i have goodies for october! i succeeded in making a dress *dances* and it is awesome. i also made some skins, and lucas is making a skin as well! we have some other goodies still in the works too so its going to be a great month at LuNi.

i however think i may have streached myself a little thin. 2 commissions, 2 gallery submissions, 1 gallery opening, and all the stuff i have to do for LuNi. can you say exausted? yes.. cause i can.

i love doing this stuff but i’ve really never had so much to do so now my brain is going WAIT! CAN WE JUST SIT DOWN A SEC!? and of course i’m telling it hell no cause i have deadlines bitch. *breathes* so yeah.. its an interesting month so far.

for those interested in the gallery stuff i’m doing.. the gallery opening on the 11th is the godart show put on by freakshow. its going to be their last show which makes me sad cause they were awesome and prefer different forms of art instead of just the same happy go lucky shit that won’t let me submit anything because i invoke emotions they don’t like. no i’m not bitter… anyway.. yes.. godart opens and its going to be good. i hope everyone who can, will take a moment and see this show. i think it is a great opportunity for everyone involved to tell their own individual stories and i am really excited to see the work that everyone has done. hell the note card that goes with my piece actually made me cry… and i wrote it!


there’s the poster, which is pretty cool in its self. so you know the show is going to be awesome.

the other galleries i’m going to be a part of is the new cienega soon vampire exhibit. lots of people in that show that i admire so i’m very greatful to be a part of this one as well. also.. vampires! definitely up my alley :p there’s a clickable lm giver to the location in our store if you want to go take a peak at the set up but the pictures are all blacked out until the show. the last gallery is some personal work for my landlady/friend aiko gaea who is setting up a cool art exhibition area on her main sim. i’m doing pictures of her and her girl’s plus maybe a few more.. all the pictures showcase various fetishes (i let the girls pick their faves) not sure when that one will be done (i need to get those finished!) but i know its sometime this month.

PHEW! so much work! and now i need to get back to it…

answering some questions

something lately that has been annoying me, people popping up randomly and asking me if i quit plurk. well just to set the record straight (again) i quit plurk back in uh.. june i think? or july? i can’t remember anymore. anyway, yes i am no longer on plurk. not its not a break from plurk, i have no want or need to go back to that time sink of a website. if you really REALLY need to have a nimil fix please feel free to friend me in world and watch me log in and out of sl because i am anti-social and will never start a conversation with you. otherwise you can always watch my blog for when i have something interesting to say (unlike this).

sorry not meaning to sound mean, just irritated by that question over and over again. don’t we have more important things to do in our second life than stare at plurk? is it really such a loss for me not to be there?

in other news, yes i’m sorry i haven’t written. i’ve been pretty frazzled by the twisted hunt. the wonderful lab of lindens decided to push the adult content rating thing on september first which just so happens to be the day the twisted hunt started. so my poor land lady miss aiko had to deal with me and lucas trying to figure out how to get our customers into our store without breaking LL’s rules. we finally got it straightened out but of course, people who are not age verified (by payment info or 3rd party) cannot enter our store at all. we’re looking into getting a branch store somewhere, if we can find something we can afford. all of the money we have in second life is made in sl. neither he nor i add money from rl into sl, so we need to make sure the place we find is affordable and also reliable.

if you by chance are a twisted hunter and you can’t get into our store, please do remember to im either me (nimil blackflag) or lucas gerard, and we will have the gift sent to you. if you have payment info though, please do take a look at our shop!

on the happier side of the coin, i am really starting to get good at making clothes! today i made a new dress that i plan to put out very soon. we still need to put up the jeans and stuff that i made way back in march *taps foot and looks at lucas* but i’m sure we’ll get that done soon. i’m really starting to feel more confident in the stuff that i am making, and i hope it continues to kick ass.

no clue what else to talk about. anyway, see you in world.

fear me! for i have made pants!

so the on-going clothing making quest has continued and i’ve finally made a pair of jeans! i am so excited because they are actually good enough to sell!

behold! a preview of things to come 😀 (the jeans anyway…) they aren’t super amazing or anything but for me its a giant step forward. so yay perhaps i will finally tackle the art of making clothes.

in other sl news, i’m thinking of offering my services as a photographer/photo-manipulator to the grid. but i’m not sure what to charge. the packages would include photos by me in either studio or out in the field, and then i will take them into photoshop and turn them into something awful unique in my style. customers would have options of letting me go nuts (which means you’ll probably end up being a dead thing) or they can tell me exactly what to do to the photos, which of course would probably end up in less death. also customers would be able to order things like large mounted prints complete with frame, modeling portfolio books, profile photos, contest photos, ect.

my only limits are that i won’t photograph you in places i dislike (don’t worry that list is small i promise) and i won’t photograph anything against the tos.

anyway i’ll probably write up a big old page for this site about it once i figure out how much i should charge for this kind of thing. any ideas?

last thing before i close this window and attempt sleep. it seems my blog is number 87 on the second effects : list of sl blogs 2009. pretty crazy to begin with that people would spend that much time compiling a list.. but also crazy because i’m on it. :p this blog is just day to day garbage lol i have nothing important to say here. but thanks to those of you who do read my blog, and i hope you enjoy it.

thats all for me.

LuNi has a flickr group

this has actually been around for a while now but i forgot to plug it! so if you have any LuNi Designs products and you’ve taken photos of them, we’d love to add them to the group! there’s no limits to how many photos you can post so feel free to join and flood 😀 just as long as the photos contain at least one LuNi Designs item somewhere in it, it’s eligible to be added!

not much else to say, just wanted to let people know that existed.

oh yes.. one other thing i forgot about. i’m making video demos for our animated objects (love kills, suicide talker, stop talking, etc) so people can see what the products do before they buy them.. because i am a nerd with fraps.. and i can lol

New From LuNi Designs! Doll Skins!

LuNi Designs LuNi Doll : Lacey

A little dead doll skin for you to call your own. Patched up and a little worn, Lacey is sugar and spice and everything not so quite right. Collect her and bring new life into this dolly.


Purchase Skin

LuNi Designs LuNi Doll : Ginny

A little dead doll skin for you to call your own. Worn and handed down, Ginny would scream “everything old is new again” – if she could. Collect her, and make your own scary memories.


Purchase Skin

LuNi Designs LuNi Doll : Rosey

A little dead doll skin for you to call your own. Cute, cheeky, and just a bit creepy, Rosey is ready for you to take her home.


Purchase Skin

and we made more!

new releases from LuNi Designs!

LuNi Designs : Dead Girl Skin

Been chased around, beat up, and left with that “dead” feeling?  Put a little horror into your metaverse.
Based on cinematic dead girls of past and present.

Skin includes dead girl eyes, for that extra touch of creepy.

Demo (demo does not contain eyes)

Purchase Skin


LuNi Designs : Bandages

Fun, bloody, and bloody fun… these arm bandages are the perfect accessory to any wardrobe in need of some damage control.

Bandages are full mod and copy, for easy resize.

Full Set

Arms Only

Legs Only