i get so frustrated with people.. sometimes it really gets to me and i end up making myself sick with it when really i should be laughing at these people for how completely ridiculous they are.
here’s to laughing a bit more when i should…
as some know my friends Arahan Claveau and Nebulosus Severine are both working on art exibits inside second life™ both in Amsterdam and the Virtual Holland sims for a week. a couple of nights ago we were chatting with neb about her massive lightspeed tunnel which in my opinion is an amazing work of prims and textures. during this chat she mentioned that the “co owner” of the neighboring sim, which bares the name “FedEx®”, came by and demanded she remove her art! he stated that there was too much glow and that things were too shiny and if she did not comply and remove the art he would speak to a linden and have her banned! take into concideration that this artwork is on the virtual holland sim, and NOT his sim, which in it’s own self makes his demands worthless.
we started looking into the situation when he flew over and rudely commented “i hope this is gone in a week.” yes we were a little childish, neb rezzed a picture of her bending over in a mooning pose but she was clothed in the photo and again, this is NOT ON HIS LAND!
lets take a look at Kalvin Jefferson, this so called “co-ceo” of FedEx®, as his group title states. his credentials on the main profile, sure they look sharp… but do real marketing professionals, working for a major company, purchase second hand sims and NOT move them to their own grid location not connected to any other sim? the FedEx® sim is located bordering the virtual holland sim as well as a couple of other sims owned by the same group. that’s only the tip of the iceberg. when contacting nebulosus about her art he called her “darling”. i’m sorry that’s not professional at ALL. he then banned anyone who tried to speak with him rationally about the situation except for the owner of virtual holland. they began to construct a rather crude prim wall in the one area where her tunnel was located.
let us also take a moment to dig further and check out the “owner” of this FedEx® sim, xbrian Sands
xbrian’s profile made the inner grammar-nazi in me want to destroy small planets…
What can FedEx offer u in SL? FedEx will make it so u can ship your packages Right here in SL,Thats right no more Logging out to run to the post office.U will be able to ship any package from right here in SL.Plus We will offer shipping right here in SL. at a small fee.Thats right suprise your lady and have us take her Roses with a note card from or send gifts.Let us handle your Delivery.
what professional in their right mind types like that?!?! “u” is NOT an acceptable replacement for “you”!!! especially when you are supposed to be a professional in marketing. as well they did not use the ® symbol when writing out FedEx which most major corporate sims that i have seen always make sure to use the correct branding marks when writing out the names of companies.
UPDATE! xbrian Sands no longer has anything related to FedEx® in his profile… hrm.. curious isn’t it?
their group for the sim also includes the same horribly miswritten text along with the official FedEx® logo for their group image.
none of the group members look like they are really part of any real world corporation. their profiles look like normal second life™ people.
i am all but convinced that this is a sham. if i am wrong then my appologies go to FedEx® because you are working with a very immature team.
still waiting on word on if this is actually a fake company or if this is a real company, but it just looks a bit questionable in my opinion.
my rl has taken over!!! nooooo!!!
what is up second life? shit has been crazy lately. are child avvies illegal? i have no clue. that shit is a touchy subject that i’m not sure i should even get into at the moment.
yes i do have a child avvie, and yes i do sometimes run around in it. but no, i do not do dirty things with it… the very idea of that is pretty disgusting to me.
i have no place to judge people though. second life is a world of fantasy, and people can, and should be able to, do as they wish as long as they aren’t actually hurting anyone.
the video brought out by the german government that started this shit, is rumored to be a setup. the avvies were supposedly made by the people who made the video in an attempt to slander LL. and now thanks to them, sl is going to turn into 1984 and who knows what the next thing will be to get yanked away from us. gor? roleplaying in general? furries? the subject is a snowball that if left to roll could take away anything that anyone conciders “weird” leaving second life to be about as dull as a pg chat room.
what people are failing to remember is, these are adults, engaging in something consensual. the two people who were banned were not under age, and (if it wasn’t a set up to begin with) were willing participants in the acts they partook in. in no way is this against the second life terms of service agreement.
if we stop and take out everything that may be illegal or disgusting in every country, and to every person, then we might as well just remove the second life graphics portion all together. there will always be someone who is offended by something.
my hope is that LL comes to it’s senses and realizes that just because they get a little bit of bad press does not mean that they need to punish us all.
ok now that that is off my chest…
my rez day is next month. please feel free to buy me presents :p or money… money is nice too.
my beloved partner has started building some very nice things in second life. a 3 floor skybox that he is currently texturing (we live in a larger version of it.), some random furniture, and he’s even working on animations. we hope to have the new stuff out for sale any time now *nods* and i’ll make sure to update the blog when that becomes available.
welp that’s all i have to write about, see you in world 😉
is so very fucked up. drama flying at me around every corner it seems heh…
not going to talk about it here. it’s private.
erm.. anyway, second life has become a strange jumble of weird. i have an sl boyfriend. yes.. OMG NIMIL DON’T YOU HAVE A REAL LIFE BOYFRIEND??? yes… yes i do. but he and i are being odd and exploring things on sl, which is safer than us doing so in real life. he and i love each other but we’re bored. so explore we shall. currently i’m dating my friend jimmy, who almost everyone around me hates… haha. but yeah… he’s a sweetheart to me and that’s all that matters :p
need to get off my ass and make some things, slacking off terribly in that department.
that’s about it for me.