why i ignored your unite request

i’ve had an avatars united account since it opened back 3 years ago. i am a profile joiner.. if there’s a place to put a profile… i join it. so its been sitting there taking up server space for a while now, and was pretty much dead because the site was dull and no one was on it. recently LL acquired AU and as soon as they blogged about it, the masses of second life poured in.

since this acquisition i have been flooded with unite requests from both people i know and people i do not know. now i’m a friendly person… usually.. but seeing 20 messages a day from people trying to unite with you who have never spoken to you inworld or anywhere else (like say.. on plurk) it gets kinda annoying. i’m not on that site to collect names. i’m not there for you to collect either. so after those messages really started to drive me insane, i decided to only accept unite invites from people i actually knew, or who bothered to speak to me before adding me (or at least sent me a message with the invite!)

so far only 1 person has done that. a linden lol. so i’ve been ignoring requests daily and its started to piss me off. i have it on my profile that i only accept requests from people i know or those who take the time to speak to me before hand, but no one seems to read it. i’m sure these people are nice but i can’t be arsed to pay attention to eight billion people on a social networking site and i would prefer to keep it narrowed down to just those who are friends with me. one girl added me a whopping 10 times.. i have no idea why. i guess she was sitting there watching me not add her but if she can’t read my profile well that’s not my problem. no offence to her of course, i assume she’s a nice person, and i think i own some of her poses. but i’ve never spoken to her before, and i don’t want to be collected!

so, if you’re on AU, think about this before you add people.. take a moment to read their profile. if you don’t know them, take a moment to speak to them before you blindly click the unite us! button. and ffs if someone hits the ignore button on your request don’t send it again.

ok rant over.. that was just getting on my nerves.

i’m feeling ranty

is nimil really that hard to spell?

i always thought my name was pretty easy to spell, sure its a bitch to pronounce right but spelling? it can be done with one hand. n i m i l. all right hand keyboard keys! so… why do i get called namil? numal? nimal? nami? etc?? seriously… i’d love to know. and its not like you have to guess at the spelling, its floating over my head the entire time i’m wandering around in sl. its right next to everything i type. hell if you have that much of a problem figuring out the spelling, open my profile and copy paste it from the name box there.

another thing driving me nuts today. breaking and entering… today i logged into my home, started looking though my SoM messages, checking out the group notices i had, all that good log in stuff, when i see that familiar green text:

name withheld: is definitely aroused

in my chat window.

ok i live on a bdsm island, and sometimes people wander around with their clicky bits out, so i didn’t think much about it.. until i took a moment to look at the avatar list that the emerald client is so wonderful to provide and see two avatar names in very close proximity to where i am standing.

yes that’s right.. they were IN MY BEDROOM. two “women” fucking on my 3000L$ bed. so i did what any sane home owner would do. i screamed GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE, and then hit the bounce and ban button. oh how i love that button, it is so rare that i get to use it, but when i do i relish the moment.

so anyway one of them im’s me with “ok.. sorry” to which i replied “learn to read, enjoy your ban” yeah i know i’m a bitch, but seriously, this is MY house, and it even says PRIVATE RESIDENCE in the title bar. you have no excuse… not to mention my doors are locked and when you click them it tells you that they are locked. so these people cammed in and sat on something in my home to fuck on my bed.

ok and i know noobs do this.. yeah.. i have no idea why noobs break into people’s homes, i never did.. but they didn’t even have the excuse of that. both of these “ladies” were from 2006. NO EXCUSE. so i hope they enjoyed their trip to the edge of the sim.

*breathes* ok i feel better now.