i downloaded the first look viewer after much internal debate with myself… my intention had been to check out windlight but to my dismay after i downloaded and installed the client i found that they had taken windlight out of the new first look viewer and put voice in… *pouts* so i missed out on playing with windlight.
from what i saw on the first look viewer, voice sucks… the new chat box they’ve made for it is kinda weird after being so used to having a seperate box for chat and im’s. also i do not have a mic and none of my friends are really interested in voice so blah. not worth it.
the playboy sim was very um.. interesting. i took a really nice shot on the beach there. they had little poseballs set up for you to do your own playboy shoots i guess lol
i also used that image to take a chance at working with some ideas on fuzzing out the backgrounds for some depth. i think it came out well except for a small spot that i flubbed up and didn’t realize until it was too late to fix it easily. but still, it’s a great shot
Hmmm Poseballs? Need to go back there then! *grins*
On the picture: good job. The small spot: do you mean the water on the right?
yes vint :p the water on the right
Lovely wings you have going on there Cool pick
I wonder if anyone will actually use voice, most of my friends are not into it at all, some people dread it, those who have tried said it’s a mess and I…I couldn’t care about it less LOL