Something that’s pissing me off recently

content thieves who are SL Mentors! seriously.. WHAT THE FUCK??!?

recently there was a post on shopping cart disco about someone stealing celestial studio skins. that thief’s profile stated that they were a mentor and yes they were in the official SL Mentor group! just the other day someone on my plurk feed mentioned someone had attempted to clone something of theirs but the script had alerted them that it was being cloned, that person doing the cloning was ALSO an SL mentor..

so what the hell is going on? why are thieves being made into mentors??? is this why theft is so rampant in sl these days? thieves teaching other thieves how to skirt the system… it’s so… depressing… pathetic really.

it’s taken me 2 years of hard work to get to the level i’m at now. i’m not a great designer, and my stuff definitely isn’t top quality, but at least i can say i made it myself.. without being a thief. at least i put some effort into it and didn’t just rip off someone else’s prims.

there. that’s my ranting for the day… it’s just really pissing me off to see people who are supposed to be teaching new sl residents being thieves and taking money away from people who actually do work in sl.

10 thoughts on “Something that’s pissing me off recently”

  1. I agree with you. Hope you reported these people! btw. LL stopped accepting mentor’s applications until they redo their program rules and stuff. Hopefully it will be harder for those jerk to get in those programs and look all angel like and official.

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