well i think it’s obvious by now

i can’t keep myself on a schedual lol! i’d planned to do a “from nimil’s closet” every wednesday but i’ve missed it twice now! i have a good excuse for it though. we’ve been super busy with the shop and i’ve hardly had any time to breathe!

to add to my workload i was selected to add a piece to the artist’s park which will be sold as an original! i won’t be able to upload it to flickr or show it off but of course when the artist’s park opens it will be there so you can always check it out there. i have no idea what i’m going to do yet. wyatt gave me full permission to do what ever the hell i wanted so who knows.. haha… it’s probably not a good idea to tell me to go crazy.. guess we’ll find out eh?

for those who are clawing at me for info on the shop, we are 98% done i’d say… just vendors to place and me to finish up my little suprise for the upstairs area. i promise it will be worth it’s wait!

the other exciting thing that happened last night was of course my videocard finally arriving… sl looks SOOOOO much better. it’s seriously gorgeous… i can’t stop staring at the water.. this might also be why i’m not getting anything done but dammit i have been deprived!

i have to get back to making madness.. i shall attempt to make a from nimil’s closet before i go to bed *nods*

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