another day…

ah, wonderful day on sl today. seriously, except for the fact that my sl boyfriend is not around as much as i would like, and except for the fact that people suck, i had a pretty good day.

spent time working on my matrix character ‘glitch’ who has been a long time comming. i was just too lazy/poor to make her. but now she’s alive! whee!

the wonderful and talented psyra extraordinaire was around while i was fiddling around with the costume and he made me some awsome matrix code scrolling eye lenses!


other than that i was a lazy dork. bought some hair, explored the crimson empire which is a roleplaying place near where i live/work. it’s actually pretty damn cool and i’m concidering joining up.

my sl twin seth showed up briefly and i caught an adorble picture of his dragon giving my dragon a smooch.

we are the dorkiest siblings ever.

ok to bed with me!

i can’t think of a title

lately the grid attacks have been constant. it’s really sad that these people have no lives other than to ruin other people’s fun. the community wants all unverifieds out, some want us to just be restricted to really boring parts of second life where we can’t rez anything, what’s the point of that place if i can’t see my friends, or create anything? if that sort of thing happened, i would just leave. but hopefully they can remedy this horrible thing without that sort of stuff.

in lighter news, a few days ago i set loose my first furniture set, and i am quite proud of it.


the asian floral bedroom set includes a bed (no poseballs so you can place your own), a working wardrobe with false mirror on the inside of the door, and a working trunk.

this set can be found in my home store, or the online second life shopping sites. just check the links to the left.

my home store also has a fun little mega pack of halloween theme tshirts, all the halloween themed tshirts in one box, 7 shirts for 50L$. quite a bit of savings there. the box will be under my shirt vendor until november 1. the tshirts will however remain in the vendor, the box special will just be gone.

oh and since i forgot to show a photo of the new shop:

borg cube 😀

yes i know

Nimil stop changing the blog layout!

hehe sorry i’m flighty! i just saw this theme on someone else’s blog and thought it looked alot nicer and more organized than the last one so i switched.

nothing else to report. um… added a link to my shop in the “places to see” section :p

my ocd arse is gonna reorganize the links on this blog now >_>


another long span of time with no update. ugh.

well it’s october and i’d like to start off this blog by showing off the new tshirts i made especially for the holiday 😀


also made one misc shirt:


there is also one new art piece avalable for purchase!

all of them are available at the store locations shown in my links. 😀

ok now that i’m done advertising, second life has been interesting lately. grid attacks happened last night twice aparently (i only caught the first one) everyone is screaming for cc verification and i’m still worrying that i’m going to lose sl if they do that. i guess it’s just something i’ll have to wait and worry about :p

this month is a busy one irl so second life time is getting a bit limited. my real job at hacker house starts this friday and i am so excited! i love scaring people 🙂

lately my friends and i have been going little and running around like kids. why you ask? well it’s fun. if people would stop freaking out about it and tried it, they’d probably have fun too.

here’s us being.. adorable:

phil and i went in together and bought some land (well he bought because i can’t) and now i have my own shop! i still sell my stuff at flea’s shop but now i have my own homepoint to do with as i please 😀 no pictures yet but soon. and a lm will be in my links as soon as i remember to make one lol.

that’s it for me. i’m off to go be a goofball again.

ok yes i’m remembering to write again!

god so much has happened since last i wrote and i’ve just been too busy/lazy to write it all down. has anyone noticed i always seem to write in this on wednesdays? haha i guess it’s because i get a chance to slow down when the SL servers are down :p which they have been alot lately.

working at my job has made me so many new friends and some have been very generous 🙂 phil and kim logan share their plot with me, my friend krash, seth, and jimmy. they even gave me a house to live in 😀 i love it there and it’s great to have more than a one room apartment lol.

flea gave me some space to sell in her store which is awsome because her store is super cool and gets alot of traffic <3 coy’s gonna try and sell avatars in there too (if he ever gets off his butt and finishes more than just shredder)

i got a new avatar a couple of weeks ago from one of my favourite furry avatar makers, malluchi! it’s a bat and it’s so cute 😀

jimmy is a new friend that we happened to meet while shopping after work one night. we drug him around that night and he just sorta stuck 🙂 he’s a great friend, an artist, and makes me laugh constantly. here’s a picture of me and him after i took him shopping for some non-noob stuff. (and yes he picked out everything he’s wearing :p)

here’s a pretty picture i took the other day of me and seth (seth dressed as a tree guy…)

i have this crazy story idea now… about a princess and a tree and stuff.. eh i’ll write it down someday.

i need to take pictures of where i live! arg. ok i’ll edit this after i get sl to work again.

oops got lazy

forgot to write a few times but here i am again. job has been going very well, i dj’ed anime night last night which was a BLAST! so much fun. they all had to listen to my lovely anime music collection haha.

i dove into the world of xcite lately. not for any real reason. if i want sex, i log off, and pounce my boyfriend, but i felt like having them for shits and giggles so that’s why. got the starter pack for girls, and my friend phil gave me his old cuffs which are pretty cool. i keep chaining myself to things.

wicked night is tonight and i’ve finally got my drow all finished 😀

enkil is so beautiful <3

nothing to really say, i’ve been hanging around with my buds and being crazy.

damn you SL grid!

so i got all gussied up for the wicked contest at the minx den:

and wouldn’t you know it, the grid goes down for maintanance just long enough for us to not have the event at all :/ now i have to wait until next week to show off. *shakes fist*

work is going well though 🙂 i’ve made a ton of tips and pay is not bad either. plus they don’t mind me being a weirdo which is good, because i have some crazy outfits.

tomorrow night is fantasy and i’m going to wear nimil 😀 whee!

also my tablet should arrive soon which means better looking clothing! yay!

she’s finally finished…

since i started second life i’ve been on a quest to make an avatar version of my namesake, nimil. last night i finally succeeded. nimil is a character of mine that i created 5 years ago for a roleplaying game which evolved into a story and several other things. her story is a very strange and wonderous thing.

here are some photos i took of her at the apollo gardens

🙂 i am so proud to finally have her completed.

a job, and more!

ah so i was lazy and neglected to write after my birthday blog…

i have a job at the minx den 😀 i dance on a table lol. not really exciting i know but it’s fun and i love that sort of thing! you get to meet all sorts of interesting people as a dancer. and no i’m not a stripper. i dance, i don’t disrobe.

like so:

i think i am in love with that dance ball.

so of course this is mostly to fund my shopping addiction as well as allow me to upload things that i make.

speaking of upload, i put about 4 or 5 new photomanipulations out forsale last night 😀

my old rp buddy devin (truessence on sl) finally got second life, and i showed him were i work. then i ended up with blackmail!


dancing on my table.. tisk tisk.

oh and of course today i took a trip to the gritty kitty store at “the block” got a lovely waste management shirt with a rat on it. and found this adorable kitty head bed thing.

i couldn’t resist trying it out. i like living dangerously lol *squeeks*

i made myself a rat tail and rat ears to combat the millions of nekos on SL. maybe after i perfect them i’ll release them to the public, but for now, i am the only one. here’s a nice shot of my ass that i photoshopped a little:


i wish my real ass was that nice lol

well that’s about it for me.