ok and now a post about halloween

puppet and master

so this was our second annual halloween party, last year’s was a great success and this year’s was even better!

this year our personal theme was puppet and puppet master. our venue was a giant doll house, decorated with shadow gears on the dance floor, and huge puppet master hands holding marrionette controls, who’s strings hung down over us as we danced.

pre-halloween party 2008 pre-halloween party 2008 we had some great costumes at the party, the winners of our costume contest were daphne abernathy and dazz anvil. both won special edition skins which are not sold in our store and have never been seen before. halloween party 2008 of course everything started out with chaos. we had some teleport issues and at one point the island was completely inaccessable! i was stuck there all by myself and lucas was stuck in the corner of a near by sim! but the night ended well, and after all of it, we had a wonderful time. you may kiss the bride i also made time to get married that night 🙂

i am such a nerd!

i am totally thinking about making an sl scrap book. i have SOOOOO many snapshots from sl and they are all over my hard drive.. only a few select ones make it to flickr.. so i was thinking maybe i can gather up some of the fun shots, and make a digital scrap book! i’m already a photoshop nerd.. so i can pretty much make all of the materials i need… i guess the only thing i really need to find is a place to stick it.

not really sure why i am blogging right now! it’s early in the morning and i have no idea what i am doing…

lucas and i are going to be involved with this ghost hunt sponsored by vain inc. it should be pretty cool.. i’ve made a very awesome prize for our store and i think lucas is going to make some stuff to go with it. i’m not sure if i can talk about it yet so i will wait until it gets closer to time but let me assure you it’s AWESOME!

there’s some really big name stores in this ghost hunt so we’re really excited about the prospect of new traffic for the store.. not to mention maybe someone will finally blog about us! that would be nice…

i have another set of skins that i’ve been slacking on for a few months that i will hopefully finish sometime soon… but with it being october my thoughts turn to evil and stuff so i’ve been putting them aside to make some spooky junk instead XD

blah blah blah i have nothing to write about.. i’m going back to playing with digital scrap book crap! whee!

my favourite place

you know… i opened this program on monday to do a blog challenge post on my favourite place in sl. but for some reason i could not come to one specific place that i concider my "fave". i mean.. my house, for one.. is a favourite place…


i have the ocean before me, photos of loved ones, big smushy couches, and the skylab…

but a girl has to leave home once in a while…

i like midian a meeting

one of the first roleplay sims i ever joined.. i still go there, to people watch.. and on the odd occasion play my quirky little rat girl…


i like water in second life… i don’t have the ability to see the ocean in my real life.. so being able to go and stand on a rock overlooking a stormy sea when ever i feel like it is really a great place…

how i spent my summer vacation

i love rl places rebuilt in second life! i have no idea why… but sometimes it’s fun to visit something real in a world where everything is fake… sort of tethering i suppose.. and reminds us that we still cling to worlds we know even in a world of imagination.

so here it is on sunday and i’ve finally decided: sl is my favourite place.

a very special episode of nimil in wonderland…

sunday was my RL birthday and i am STILL feeling exausted from it… hah..

i think it may have been the best birthday ever *beams* first at midnight on the 24th (my actual birth hour) lucas took me to probably the BEST movie related sim we have ever seen… REC is a japanese sim for a japanese horror movie which seems to have some spanish related stuff in it? not sure of the details, but if the movie is anything as awesome as the sim then damn i want to see it. we wandered the whole thing, looking at every little sparkly spot (where you can sit and be a part of the scene) even played with the hud which is AWESOME! seriously… a great immersion sim and i want to go back and take photos now.

after that we roamed around aimlessly and then went to bed so we could wake up and plan my birthday party.

i awoke to a wonderful im from gabby, telling me i had presents waiting, and sure enough i had a canimal gift certificate for 1kL! and a pair of Stiletto Moody shoes 😮

i also recieved a beautiful doll key from my big sister lindsay, 1k from lucas because he didn’t know what to get me, and then sky everette im’ed me and told me to pick a hair for free for my birthday! i felt faint lol her hair is GORGEOUS but expensive, it’s worth it’s price though. i ended up with the temptress revisited in black. i never want to take it off!

and then if that wasn’t enough, autumn also sent me hair! it’s adorable, pigtails with a streak on the bottom and the streaks are colour changing! did i mention i love colour changing streaks? well i do, and so i will probably wear the hell out of this hair hehe.

the party was awesome! i was worried it was going to fail because sl decided to have a spaz moment and logins were shutdown twice. but a bunch of people made it 😀 we had the party outside on my back patio, with fireworks and me dj’ing. the guests included a mix of people i knew on sl and people i met recently on plurk. it was quite a night!

after the party i invited our guests to our new inworld homestore location in tainted hearth. everyone loved it which was quite a relief because my nerves were all over the place by that time XD

if you’re interested in visiting the new LuNi store just hit this slurl, i promise you won’t be disappointed!

i wil probably write another post with pictures of my birthday haul after i get done camping this lucky chair at silent sparrow!

i would also like to thank my wonderful friend marx for buying me a year of pro flickr 😀 this means more pictures! definitely!


what a week this is! it’s my birthday week and it’s already getting exciting! first i came home from walmart to find a year of pro flickr waiting in my inbox, and then later i found out that i was honorable mention in the hair fair flickr contest! and i’ve been invited to attend a pj party and get to see the hair fair before anyone else! whee!

on top of that, saturday the artist park opens and i have an exclusive piece that will be for sale! this is the first time any gallery in sl has recognized my strange and demented imagery and i am very proud to be a part of their re-opening!

sunday is my birthday and i will be the big 2-7. yes not that old but i am big on the birthday thing so i will most likely have a party, and yes you are all invited :p no idea where i am going to hold the party though, so stay tuned for that info!

work work work!

jeebus this shop thing is taking over my every waking moment! but it’s going to be worth it…

i just wanted to check in on my poor neglected blog for a moment. last night i did the CSR stamp rally and omg why haven’t i seen this before?!?! i had so much fun and found so many kick ass shops to go visit again when i have more cash!

plus, the prizes were wow… first i nabbed the freshman bag from gritty kitty but then my second prize was this beautiful thing:

!!! is that not the most gorgeous freaking armor you have ever seen? it’s all glowing and shiny… and the gun works! i ended up blowing my self up half way across the sim but still… seriously awesome 😮

today is the last day to do this so check out this page and do what it says! if you’re getting confused there is a visual diagram for the instructions and it is in english as well as japanese so check that out for more help.

well i think it’s obvious by now

i can’t keep myself on a schedual lol! i’d planned to do a “from nimil’s closet” every wednesday but i’ve missed it twice now! i have a good excuse for it though. we’ve been super busy with the shop and i’ve hardly had any time to breathe!

to add to my workload i was selected to add a piece to the artist’s park which will be sold as an original! i won’t be able to upload it to flickr or show it off but of course when the artist’s park opens it will be there so you can always check it out there. i have no idea what i’m going to do yet. wyatt gave me full permission to do what ever the hell i wanted so who knows.. haha… it’s probably not a good idea to tell me to go crazy.. guess we’ll find out eh?

for those who are clawing at me for info on the shop, we are 98% done i’d say… just vendors to place and me to finish up my little suprise for the upstairs area. i promise it will be worth it’s wait!

the other exciting thing that happened last night was of course my videocard finally arriving… sl looks SOOOOO much better. it’s seriously gorgeous… i can’t stop staring at the water.. this might also be why i’m not getting anything done but dammit i have been deprived!

i have to get back to making madness.. i shall attempt to make a from nimil’s closet before i go to bed *nods*

another small yay

i know i know i need to make the website pretty and what not but i figured i would blog shortly because i have a new videocard on the way *dances* and this means a lot more fun for me because finally i will be able to get more than 5 (if i’m lucky.. it’s usually 2) FPS on second life™!!! i’m hoping that for now that will be the only thing needing upgraded X_x if anything else requires more power or something… i will just wait until i can purchase a whole new computer.

in other news, since we are on the yay subject, i am in our almost finished shop right now, dancing while lucas finishes building! we were kindly asked to plop a store down on tainted hearth which is owned by aza zymurgy and lacey mertel, well known for their very cool shadow things shop. the sim is gorgeous and creepy and still being built, and we are very greatful to have this opportunity to join them there 😀

the top part of the shop is going to have a little gallery for my work (hopefully) and that should be fun to put together as well.

with all this new stuff and yayness i’m getting inspired and have the drive to actually make things! so hopefully we’ll have some new goodies out soon!