i always love finding recreations of real world places in sl. even though sl is supposed to be a make-believe world where we can be anywhere we want, it’s nice sometimes to be on earth, in present day, in a place that i’ve actually been to before when i was younger.
when i was a kid, my mother used to take us on small road trips to visit different places in the states closest to us. one year we went to the rock and roll hall of fame. i sadly have no photos of the trip because cameras were not allowed inside the hall of fame but it was one of my favourite vacations ever.
last weekend lucas found this place by accident. he was trying to fix a glitch where he was stuck floating and tp’ed randomly on the map to see if he would stop. he ended up here and tp’ed me immediately. he thought he’d just found cleveland, but as i started panning the camera around… i found it.. the rock and roll hall of fame. unfinished, no exibits, but the building was there, and almost exactly like the real one.
places like this make me smile. as summer comes to a close, and i no longer have the money to afford small road trips in real life, it was nice to have almost a mini summer vacation in my second life. sadly i was pressed for time because we were about to go to the artist’s park opening so i neglected to get an lm, but hopefully we will find it again.