Lucas + Nimil on post 6, and other junk

just wanted to link this 😀 lucas and i were recently featured in the herald as a post 6 couple. enjoy a little history about how we came to exist in this strange new world, and of course, some nudity :p oh and for those who are curious, the “i’m really a man” shirt was made by me, and i hope to set it up for sale soon. and no i am not really a man.

thank you bunny for letting us be a part of this! i’ve been reading the herald for a long time now.. yeah it’s not really a respectable sl newspaper but its amusing and i like things that are amusing.

the article is also great because the photos were taken in tainted hearth. those who don’t know, tainted hearth was built to be a darkly themed sim featuring some like-minded content creators. sadly, because tainted hearth was built on an open sim, the owners do not have the money to continue running it at the new higher price that LL has set. so tainted hearth will be returning to the depths at the end of this month. we dedicate our post to the sim, and it will be sorely missed. please go visit it if you have not, take a moment to enjoy the art that has been placed there, and make some memories of your own before it’s too late.

i guess i seem a bit silent recently, people may have noticed i’m not logging on as much anymore. i’m taking a little bit of a break. the holiday season always takes a toll on me and i tend to get grumpy and bleh… but i am hoping to work on a few projects and try to get better at some things in the coming year. my new years resolution will be to try harder, to not be such a basket case, and to be a bit more tactful with things. the things that come out of my mouth are sometimes not the best choice for situations.. but i am learning to curb that.

anyway, happy giftmess and enjoy your new year.

1 thought on “Lucas + Nimil on post 6, and other junk”

  1. Thank you so much for being my first Post 6 Couple. I admire you both for your talent and your wonderful personalities.

    SL needs more people that are truely genuine like you *hugs you both*

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