Nimil’s Hair Fair Report

i had a wonderful time at the hair fair preview thing! even though a few booths were still empty or half open i was able to grab most of the stuff i wanted on preview day!
this year’s hair fair was themed after candy land, and i was dying of sugar shock at every turn. giant cup cakes! candy! and of course hair (now thinking about it.. getting candy in your hair or hair in your candy is kinda gross)
there were some great booths, and some interesting hair this year, and of course there was lag… even though they asked us to keep the arc down i saw plenty of people there in friggin ball gowns and arc’s well over 2k. i myself chose a very low arc outfit, no shoes, and hair from etd which kept me in the green and somewhere around 400 i think.
see this sign? if you can’t figure out what to wear for hair fair or you show up in something lagtastic and start bitching about the lag, click this sign and get the low arc outfit and hair provided! it will help you and the people around you enjoy the hair fair!
congrats to this year’s flickr contest winners! i was lazy and didn’t enter this year (oops) but i was very blown away with those who did! everyone should go check them out!
i know i showed up in different hair but my friend autumn gave me her awesome new hair called gattina and i decided i had to wear it for the rest of the day! it worked well with my outfit as well!
here’s a closeup of this awesome hair!
great isn’t it? make sure you stop by the tiny bird booth and check out all of autumn’s awesome newness!
there was alot of great crazy hair at the hair fair, here’s a couple that i didn’t actually buy but i did admire alot.
this one is by curio obscura (i hope i got that right, i’m not on sl at the moment to check!) and it’s called “let them eat cake off of your head” and it features some crazy doll hair style curls and mountains of cake 😮 perfect for the hair fair theme this year! just please don’t wear it at the hair fair please!
this one is by toast bard and i am stupid and forgot to note down the name of it but it made me laugh since you could pretty much call yourself a pot head when you wear it :p. i might actually go back and get this one.
while roaming around, i bumped into the owner of calico creations and she tossed me a blogger pack of hair 😀 she was actually the only hair designer at the preview who actually did that, and i will be blogging that in another post later on! she is also wearing a cute style that i ended up buying a black pack of because i can never have too many pig tails. anyway i wanted to take a photo of her because she was very nice 🙂
the last photo of the hair fair that i got is my favourite booth at the fair (not to mention a favourite store of mine)
the hair at house of munster is awesome and really fits my punk/goth moods. i will be going back for more of her hair fair hair because she didn’t have the black pack vendor set out for one of the hairs i wanted, but i did grab another from her booth that i will have in my hair fair haul blog later on.
and that’s all i have for this report. stay tuned for more after i can properly log into sl and take photos of everything i got.
hair fair outfit credits:
hair: gattina – tiny bird|HF location
(pigtails at the start of the blog: paula II – ETD)
skin: (DN) Vogue Skin – Pure (Last Call – Fishnet) – celestial studios
eyes: eye typeB red2 – Fantajecca (store is gone)
tanktop: Easy Street Tank (white) – TorridWear
boxers: Spooky Boxers – Civvies (prize from their halloween hunt last year)
socks: Mismatched old socks (stripes White/Grey) – Canimal

it’s hair fair time!

and once again i get to go see it before the crowd gets in! and i’ll be posting a double edition of my hair fair report here and on forced midnight!

i am so excited to go again this year! last year’s haul was awesome and i got a ton of great hair.. anyone that knows me knows that my inventory is 80% hair lol so this should be another haul of awesome!

i am not sure if i will be at the pj party but i will definitely be lurking around the sims at some point so please feel free to pounce on me if you wish :p i don’t bite, but i do scurry away from big crowds and big names >_>

if you have any hair that you would like to have showcased on forced midnight (must meet the requirements of the blog please) let me know! i’d love to have your stuff on there 😀

the laziest girl on the internet

that should be my new title. all the junk that i could be doing, all the stuff i could write about, take pictures for, etc… i am just too lazy to bother D:

my rezday was almost a week ago, and i didn’t write a blog about it! i should really write one up about all the amazing presents lucas bought me even though i told him i really didn’t need/want anything for my rezday, just him <3 he bought me a ton of clothing at the fashion expo.

i did my poppins rezday jump which the lovely moggs had come up with sometime last year. she says lucas and i were her inspiration because we used to naked skydive off our skybox XD and the rest of the rezday was spent with cuddles and trying on my new outfits.

the tasteful butt meme gallery opening went off without a hitch and was quite fun. there were alot of people i didn’t know there but i reigned in my anti-social fear and hung around for the duration. got to dance on a ledge with jaeck and near the end crap mariner tried to chainsaw me! evil robots… *grumbles* the gallery is open from now until the end of the month and you can get there by clicking here.

in sorta rl meets sl news, moggs sent me NINE packages of tim tams! i am in biscuit heaven and if you see me somewhere laying in a puddle of melted chocolate near death please blame her :p

and that’s all i’ve got…

our asses will be hung

in a gallery that is :p

Tymmerie Thorne has organized a gallery showing of as many photos from the butt meme that she could get permission for. so with lucas’ permission i submitted the picture i took 😀 so from the 13th to the 30th of this month, our asses will be hanging in a gallery with some other asses from all over second life XD. this will be the third time one of my photos has been in some sort of gallery showing. yay!

my rez day is 2 days away! time has totally flown by and i still haven’t decided if i want to do anything, and if i do want to do something, what i want to do, and/or where i want to do said thing. *sighs* 3 years in sl and i still wander around like a chicken with my head cut off.

i don’t know what else to talk about, haven’t been up to much lately. been lazy D:


i haven’t written in a while and i’m tired of apologizing for that.. so i’m not gonna. the previously mentioned carrie tribute dress is now available inworld at our store if you are interested in getting it. i’m kinda disappointed in its lack of sales, but instead of being hard on myself i’m just going to say that it was probably just not something the normal crowd would go for, not to mention its my first real attempt at making a dress. but i’m not going to let it stop me. no… i’m going to keep trying and learn, and do better stuff. i know i’ll never be some super fashionista clothing designer, and who are we kidding, i’d never want to be that to begin with. but i do want to make things i am proud of, and even though i am proud of my carrie dress, i can do better.

next week is my 3rd rezday. i have no idea if i am going to party for it, or if i am going to just silently let it slip past. haven’t decided yet.

i totally stopped doing my 365 sl thing and i feel bad now.. its been several days without a photo and i know i need to catch back up and keep going but i just feel very uninspired to do any photos lately…

i do want to get back into photography though and i have been trying to come up with a way to extend my abilities to the public. recently i took some lovely shots of my sl brother and his new wife ava.

caile & avacaile & ava

caile & avacaile & ava

they are adorable together <3 but i want to do more of these and perhaps for paying customers :p (no i do not charge family..) as well as maybe do some creepier work for people who are interested in that sort of thing. i know i keep talking about it and never do it but i just can’t seem to figure out what to charge for stuff. that’s mainly what stops me.

oh speaking of photos there’s a butt meme going around the bloggers and plurkers of sl, so lucas and i decided to make ours a double 😀

i dunno if that will show up for everyone, i had to flag it moderate because last time i left a butt photo flagged safe flickr had a hissy fit. we have cute butts, flickr should be glad i put our asses on there at all.

and so my blogging for today ends. i dunno what else to say.

19/365 — i love my job

19/365 — i love my job

Originally uploaded by //[Nimil]

yesterday i sat down and made an entire dress in homage to carrie. a long time ago, when i was an angsty little teen in a bible belt highschool, people used to say they expected me to show up at prom like this. or at least set the prom on fire or something. well i disappointed (slightly.. because i did arrive at my senior prom in a hearse!) but i have always loved the carrie book, and so now that i am confident with making clothing (sorta confident anyway) i figured i would try to make her dress. i made a blood splattered one, as well as a before the blood version, but i think i like this one better :p

it will be for sale soon 🙂



Originally uploaded by //[Nimil]

yesterday was a time of reflection for me…

someone i barely knew died and it was a shock to so many of my friends that even i felt their sorrow and loss.

my last encounter with rheta was not a happy one. she had irritated me on plurk, and i did what i always do when someone irritates me. i deleted her.

i regret not getting to know her better… i am horrible at first impressions and tend to cut people off like that…

yesterday it was learned that poor rheta, 9 months pregnant, was hit by a van in april and died. no one found out until yesterday when a blog was posted by the person who did the tech stuff for her blog.

my condolences go out to her family and to her friends in sl.

i have a hard time with death, it leaves me at a loss for words, and frightened of my own mortality… i go into a little turtle shell and refuse to come out.

when i need time to think.. i go to the ocean. that’s something i have always loved about second life. no matter where i am, i am never far from the water. its strange that someone like me, who is afraid to swim, and can’t even stand the sun too much, loves the ocean and beaches… watching the waves makes me smile, and it calms my mind when thoughts become unbearable.

what is going on in wonderland?

i haven’t written in a while so bleh i will do that now.

the adult content crap has of course been weighing heavily on my mind, as i worry that because of the contradicting statements of LL i will no longer be able to live where i do, and our store will have to move, because the island we live on is going to definitely be flagged “adult”, as well as the island our store is on.

now according to LL, Payment info on file (or payment info used) is enough to be concidered verified as an adult, and you will not have to use the awful aristotle verification method. i HOPE that this is correct, because some of their other statements have made it seem like piof/piu is NOT enough to verify as an adult.

personally i do not like the idea of giving my SSN to anyone i don’t have to. not to mention the thing doesn’t really even work, as a friend told me she put in the required info and it told her she was not who she said she was.

so i really hope that everything with that turns out ok, i would hate to miss out on fun things to do just because i dislike the idea of giving my sensitive personal information to a non-goverment, non-work related party.

another thing pissing people off is the new RC. it pretty much broke everyone’s skins. RC0 made your system makeup layers on top of your skin instead of under, which made everyone look like shit. and now with RC1 people are transparent! yes i realize that the RC is for testing and therefore things are broken but good grief! worst RC ever!

in personal news, my ao suddenly became lost from the database a few days ago. i was devastated. i’ve had that ao since 2006, and it was full of non-copy animations as well as a few animations that cannot be replaced due to the creator no longer existing in second life.

i sent in a ticket, and didn’t hold out much hope since i am a basic account and i have been told that basic account tickets pretty much get ignored. but i was responded to, rather promptly i might add! a linden ran a recovery program on my inventory, and had me clear cache and log into an ocean sim. i waited for over an hour for my full inventory (64k+) to load. sadly the ao was not recovered. they apologized that they could not bring back my ao and then PAID ME 3000L$ FOR MY TROUBLE!!!

i was shocked, i never expected to get a response let alone money! but sadly it still doesn’t bring back my ao which i have had with me for almost all of my second life. i bought back what i could of my stands and walks and what not, and thankfully now animation creators make their animations copy/no trans so this time around i won’t lose them if the ao goes poof.

i joined the flickr group for second life 365. i have always ment to do a 365 for my second life but i get lazy and i forgot. when i saw someone else on my photostream doing one i decided to join and try it out. you can view the set here as it grows.

and that’s all that’s been going on in my world. should probably try to work or something but i’ve been so lazy…

the continuing adventures of clothing making

so to my delight, so far everyone loves the jeans i’ve made, either that or they are just kissing my butt :p but at any rate i’m really happy and i can’t wait to get these things out for the general public to buy! i sent a group notice with a special pair of the jeans last weekend and the response was good.

to continue my new found clothing skillz i made a tank top. pretty basic stuff but it looks great, and its next on the list to go out in the store.

click for full view

its really amazing to me how much better i’ve gotten. i have no idea where i’m suddenly getting this burst of awesome but i hope it continues at least for a while! i’m actually PROUD to wear something that i made all by myself! and that’s really a first.

i’ve been shopping a lot lately which is always fun! but i haven’t been coming up with any cool outfits for forced midnight, so my friend mali and i made ANOTHER (yes another..) blog where we are going to do some look of the day’s that aren’t forced midnight related. and we even talked lucas into joining so hopefully he’ll do some posts for the guys (if he ever posts). mali will also be ranting about ugly things, and giving some tips and advice. i’m going to stay out of the mud slinging i promise.

i’ve also been clubbing a bit! yes that’s right.. i’ve actually been leaving my house 😮 (who is this woman and what has she done with nimil?) started wandering over to GOL 8 early in the morning when i can’t find anything to do and i’ve been having so much fun! mali comes with me and we sit on skype laughing about some of the crap people wear there and stuff… last night we forced lucas to come with us and he decided to wear a dress! it was great and mali even convinced the dj to play goodbye horses for me, which is a very old and obscure song that you might recognize from silence of the lambs. yes i am weird and i love that song D: it was very appropriate since lucas was in a dress..

at least he makes a pretty man in a dress <3

so last night was all giggles. i need more of that. i forget how to laugh sometimes, and i really thank you guys who have stuck with me even when i fall off the fun boat.

i can’t believe i didn’t post about april fools! see how much i suck lately? well last year and the year before lucas and i dressed as eachother for april 1st but this year we decided to blingtard out. i didn’t get many photos but i did get a great one of me and mali on a street corner being hookers.

makin dat money

it was pretty hilarious. we went to a bunch of blingtard places and all in all, i don’t make a bad latina hooker.

i’ve been pretty uninspired photography wise so not much coming off the flickr stream lately. but here’s what i’ve done recently to round out the blog tonight.


sakuradon't forgettarissathe day the whole world went awaypromiseapocolypse pleaseVampire Heart