major photo snappage


Originally uploaded by Nimil.

i’ve started showing off my better second life photos on flickr, since i can upload from hard drive i can fix them up in photoshop a bit and they’re better quality than when i use snapzilla. i’ll still use snapzilla for silly things but the really really nice photos will be on my flickr.

hitech gunnersewer rat bang bang

so lessie… not much to report, got really sick of sl and went crazy? kinda?

met a boy named lucas, i like him πŸ™‚


and he likes me… hehe

so yay, no longer completely angry at second life. now if it would just come back online so i can go snuggle more *pouts*

ok so i lied?

still not inspired enough to do anything productive with my time. mostly trying to find something to do that isn’t second life related but unforutantely with a lack of real life money, second life is pretty much all i have to do.

that’s all i really have to say :s

finally some inspiration

finally getting inspired to build again, sadly sl is working so badly right now that it’s near impossible, but i’m still trying so there may be some new furniture up in the near future πŸ™‚

there IS one new photomanipulation available on slboutique and slexchange, also available in world at Grendel’s Children.

my furniture is also now available at Grendel’s Children.

stuff there has really been booming. a quest roleplaying thing has started, where you guys could win some really awesome stuff!

my real life boyfriend has gotten the urge to build again too and he is planning more really great old cartoon avatars, including the entire crew from the dungeons and dragons cartoon series. so keep your eyes peeled for that, i will of course announce it here on my blog πŸ™‚

my show is on phreak radio on fridays between 5 and 7 sl time (that’s 8-10 est) lots of fun crap goes on during my show, great music, really crazy parties, you guys should come hang out with us on phreak isle.

that’s about all i have to say, avoiding sl right now due to crap lag and no ability to tp anywhere.

happy 2007

wow, a whole year already? time flew by a bit quick me thinks.

it is a new year and with it brings new expectations and new chances. i am “single” on sl. decided i might as well be onthe prowl. this does not mean i’m looking for a real relationship, just something to have when i’m logged in. :p

today my ass got verified! yes! i can now go romp in silent hill once more πŸ˜€ how’d i manage to finally get it fixed? american express giftcard! fuck if i’d known that i would have used one a long time ago!!!

ah well, taken care of none the less :3

i am now a dj for phreak radio. i ASSUME my show is on fridays but i’m not sure if the schedual will be changed or something now that some jobs have changed around the station. i’ll keep you posted on that.

not much else to say.

merry holiday season…


Β so it’s that time of year again when people celebrate holidays of some sort. so merry holidays to you all.

i haven’t posted something important here and i apologize for that. my dear friend minx died at 33, a couple of days ago, of a heart attack. she is terribly missed by all who knew and loved her. my heart goes out to lupus during this horrible tragedy. i only hope he can continue on without her.

as for my second life? at the moment it’s on hiatus. i’m disinterested in the world inside my computer and i’m attempting to get more interested in the world outside my bedroom door. people asked me to reconcider but they don’t seem to realize, i need to go outside. being an introvert is no picnic. i hate it out there but i need to go so i can live like normal people. after a month i’ll probably visit sl again once in a while but never again will i become as involved as i have been in the past.

waiting on the update

figured i should post something heh.

lately second life has been pretty fun. since quitting my dancing job and getting rid of unwanted drama, i’ve been hanging out with new people and doing some fun stuff!

a group of us from the old crimson falls rp sim have come together to start a rp game in suffigium. while we are not the official rp group for the city, we are probably more active than the real group. i am on the creative team :D! so cool. finally get to rp something that i know and love. whee!

now for today’s fun photos.

me with the awesome psyra! one of the great non-human avatars in second life πŸ˜€

here you can see him smushing me and my twin brother. such a mean draggy :p

:p not to mention a cold blooded killer! hehe just kidding.

during my bored travels i managed to find this little gem:

isn’t it awesome!?! 7-11!!

i also found the end of the internet:

this is my new friend foehn! we’re crazy >:3

she is really fucking tall!

she and i hung out in a mall with uh.. this person…

yeah i’m one of those weird kids who hangs out on the fountains at malls and makes you feel awkward by staring.

sl boy got on too and i caught him and put him in a stasis tube so he cannot leave me again! hehe just kidding, this is his home tp in my sky lab πŸ˜€ <3

speaking of my sky lab

there it be. that thing on the roof is me hehe

ok update just came online but there isΒ  traffic jam so i’m currently waiting in queue to get on :/

and then sl went boom.

so we had an attack of the grey goo last night, which sucks :/ i was hoping we’d seen the last of it. tonight the database sploded or something cause it died and we all got kicked off sl.

boredom has left me sitting here pondering what to do. ugh. before the kick, i was dancing around like a dork at sanctuary rock (which is an awsome rock club btw).

due to dramalama, i no longer live where i did, and instead live 670m up above grendel’s children, in a skybox abandoned lab. i’ll take some pictures later after i finish furnishing it up a bit more.

did a little makeover on myself. my real life boyfriend loves it haha and why? well, because i look like the baroness from gi joe.

anyway i think i’m pretty cute looking. the glasses really suit me.

tossing over the idea of joining crimson, but not sure if i really want to or not. i guess i’ll mull it over more when i can get back on SL.

for now that’s all i have.

another day…

ah, wonderful day on sl today. seriously, except for the fact that my sl boyfriend is not around as much as i would like, and except for the fact that people suck, i had a pretty good day.

spent time working on my matrix character ‘glitch’ who has been a long time comming. i was just too lazy/poor to make her. but now she’s alive! whee!

the wonderful and talented psyra extraordinaire was around while i was fiddling around with the costume and he made me some awsome matrix code scrolling eye lenses!


other than that i was a lazy dork. bought some hair, explored the crimson empire which is a roleplaying place near where i live/work. it’s actually pretty damn cool and i’m concidering joining up.

my sl twin seth showed up briefly and i caught an adorble picture of his dragon giving my dragon a smooch.

we are the dorkiest siblings ever.

ok to bed with me!

wow second life…

is so very fucked up. drama flying at me around every corner it seems heh…

not going to talk about it here. it’s private.

erm.. anyway, second life has become a strange jumble of weird. i have an sl boyfriend. yes.. OMG NIMIL DON’T YOU HAVE A REAL LIFE BOYFRIEND??? yes… yes i do. but he and i are being odd and exploring things on sl, which is safer than us doing so in real life. he and i love each other but we’re bored. so explore we shall. currently i’m dating my friend jimmy, who almost everyone around me hates… haha. but yeah… he’s a sweetheart to me and that’s all that matters :p

need to get off my ass and make some things, slacking off terribly in that department.

that’s about it for me.