Originally uploaded by NIMIL[is] too busy being a badass
53/365 have they lost their mind??
lucas and i have been given the opportunity to build a sim for someone! i was pretty shocked that someone actually was crazy enough to give us free reign of a sim but we are very thankful for the chance to really try something new! (and i’m just kidding about them being crazy, we are capable of doing this :p) lucas has some really awesome ideas for this place and i cannot wait to see them out of his head and into actual virtual space. he build all of our stores (and they have always been cool) as well as our home. this stuff makes me excited and impatient but the wait will be worth it! its also kinda practice for hopefully someday in the future when we will have our own sim… *daydreams*
anyway so i’m going to be busy for a while, so don’t expect to hear much out of me until we get this stuff done X-x not that i write in this thing anyway.
wtf is nimil doing???
dear second life,
i have been going crazy for a while now and i apologize that you have had to be a spectator to my breakdown. yes i know that there are a bunch of “you cannot see this picture” images all over my blog now, as i hid my entire flickr stream and then made it public again.. nice one me… you’re a retard.
i also deleted my plurk again, i don’t know if i will reopen it at all or at least any time soon. i am not ment to be that social.
so what am i doing right now? well i’m trying not to go crazy because of my rl problems and i’ll skip the details on that because its not all that interesting. but i will make it. i’m working on some things inworld and learning more about making clothes and its been fun, and tiresome, and a bit of a let down… honestly, i’m not that good. i’m not going to sit here and lie and say i’m the fucking best… i’m mediocre tbh. but i am always happy when people do like what i make and wear it and blog it and all that stuff.. so thank you to those people because you make my day.
on the menu for now, half a million corsets with tutus.. yes.. i went a little crazy. they all kinda look like this. sorry just a link and no picture on the page because flickr will eat my face if i don’t censor that boob and when i mark stuff as moderate flickr won’t let you see it if you’re not logged in. but yeah.. i made that in harley quinn style and some basic colours.
also in the works, hopefully some things for the pink shirt day thing in april. i still need to get in touch with december about that but its a really great project and if you are a blogger or a designer you should really look into it. bullying is a horrible thing in both lives and we should all do what we can to stop it. i was bullied for a long time in my real life as a kid for the simple fact that i didn’t go to church, which to me is a ridiculous reason to beat up a kid… and i’ve been bullied in second life as well by grown adults who think its fun to treat others like worthless shit. and to them all i will say no, you will not knock me down. i will always get back up and dust myself off.
anyway ok i didn’t mean to make some sort of crazy soapbox stand there. other than all that i have no idea what i am doing. i haven’t really done anything amazing with pictures in a long time. if anyone is interested in commissioning me, my calendar is mostly free. i’m attempting to save up for a new computer so anything would help.
welp that’s about all i can think of to write. off to photoshop.
why i ignored your unite request
i’ve had an avatars united account since it opened back 3 years ago. i am a profile joiner.. if there’s a place to put a profile… i join it. so its been sitting there taking up server space for a while now, and was pretty much dead because the site was dull and no one was on it. recently LL acquired AU and as soon as they blogged about it, the masses of second life poured in.
since this acquisition i have been flooded with unite requests from both people i know and people i do not know. now i’m a friendly person… usually.. but seeing 20 messages a day from people trying to unite with you who have never spoken to you inworld or anywhere else (like say.. on plurk) it gets kinda annoying. i’m not on that site to collect names. i’m not there for you to collect either. so after those messages really started to drive me insane, i decided to only accept unite invites from people i actually knew, or who bothered to speak to me before adding me (or at least sent me a message with the invite!)
so far only 1 person has done that. a linden lol. so i’ve been ignoring requests daily and its started to piss me off. i have it on my profile that i only accept requests from people i know or those who take the time to speak to me before hand, but no one seems to read it. i’m sure these people are nice but i can’t be arsed to pay attention to eight billion people on a social networking site and i would prefer to keep it narrowed down to just those who are friends with me. one girl added me a whopping 10 times.. i have no idea why. i guess she was sitting there watching me not add her but if she can’t read my profile well that’s not my problem. no offence to her of course, i assume she’s a nice person, and i think i own some of her poses. but i’ve never spoken to her before, and i don’t want to be collected!
so, if you’re on AU, think about this before you add people.. take a moment to read their profile. if you don’t know them, take a moment to speak to them before you blindly click the unite us! button. and ffs if someone hits the ignore button on your request don’t send it again.
ok rant over.. that was just getting on my nerves.
29/365 happy 3 years
Originally uploaded by NIMIL[♥]LUCAS !3 years!
3 years ago today, i made a decision that changed my entire life, both inworld and in real life…
today was the day that i decided that i loved lucas, and that it was more than friendship. today was also the day that i decided to return to second life. it was on this day that i was planning a bit of an avatar suicide. i was sick of dealing with crap and i just really saw no reason to log on anymore… and then i got a simple email.. an offline message, asking me to come to a garden.
i’d just met him weeks before, but the moment we met i knew there was a reason for him to be in my life… and so i took him up on his offer, and i went to that garden, i sat, and we talked, about mutual unhappiness with things and people and what not…
i found my soulmate and i’ll never let go.
Just Say No To Internet Censorship
i am very thankful to live in a country where censorship is very minor, and we have the right to freedom of speech both online and off. but unfortunately it is not the same all over the world.
moggs oceanlane is raising awareness to this completely ridiculous plan that her government is attempting to put into action. its ment to protect children from inappropriate content however it also punishes adults who are doing nothing wrong. it is not the government’s place to decide what is right and wrong to look at online or what information one can access. it should be up to the individual to make that decision. parents should pay attention to what their kids are doing on the internet and that’s it!
if this law goes though, austrailia will become the 4th country in the world to have centralised internet filtering, joining china, iran and saudi arabia. as well, the filtering will not only limit what austrailians are able to access but it will also significantly slow the broadband network and it is likely to cause an increase in price for internet service.
what can we do to help? well if you are an aussie and you agree that this is complete bullshit, write your government! let them know what you think! spread the word to your friends, get as many people involved as you can! you do not deserve to be filtered out and cut off from the world’s information.
other ways to raise awareness (stolen from moggs’ blog):
black out your online profile pictures. overlay your profile pics with a black layer and display the #nocleanfeed text.
inform your friends via your social networks- if you tag your blogs or twitter posts, use the tags nocleanfeed and if you wish, openinternet
sign this petition being run by Electronic Frontiers Association
lets help austrailia maintain a little piece of freedom.
21/365 – meet mephisto!
so callie cline dropped this ticket on me and said it was a limited edition alien bunny and i tossed my “no breedable pets” rule out the window >_>
i’m not breeding him because he only makes normal babies, and i don’t want to pay for the food lol but since pet food is pretty cheep i decided to keep him!
so yay limited edition alien bunny <3 i named him after a demon because he looks like one!