mali is keeping me sane until lucas comes back on wednesday. so far i’ve had broken merchandise, and my dad took a trip to the hospital (he’s ok now). and i still have another day to go!
mali is keeping me sane until lucas comes back on wednesday. so far i’ve had broken merchandise, and my dad took a trip to the hospital (he’s ok now). and i still have another day to go!
lucas is stuck offline for a few days and i’m already going nuts.. its only been a few hours since he left and i can’t sleep 🙁 i’ve been on sl twice, changed my avatar’s complete look about 10 times, played other videogames, tried to make a halloween freebie, and sat here looking blank.
i know he’s coming back in a couple of days but its so LONELY without him around 🙁
hurry back <3
so the GODart opening party came and when and i had a great time! there was tons of lag and tons of people but everyone managed to move around enough to see the art and enjoy the music. and i even snapped some pictures.
loglady even put out the collector’s case from the twisted hunt! that was a shock but so awesome to see XD.
so later after all that happened, lucas and i went with a couple of friends to a fashion show at the DC district, which is owned by our friend drakon cortez. everything was going well and we were watching the models when some chick jumped onto the catwalk and then flew away… so we figured he bounced her or something. but moments later the entire fashion show area was covered in griefer particles! i have to admit it was kinda funny but i feel really bad for the designer, models, and most of all drak X_x but he bounced her ass out of there and the particles went with her. it was so weird though… its been a long time since i’ve seen an actual griefing lol. back when i was a noob they were everywhere… now its so rare.
speaking of fashion…
la ultima fiesta is now available at our store! this is my second dress ever and i am so proud of it. i’m really getting the hang of this clothing stuff! there’s a white version of this too but i’m partial to the black :p so go check those out at our store or on xstreet!
no not really but that was the most recent search result someone googled and found my blog, so i figured i’d make it the subject.
i really have nothing to blog about.. well ok yes i do, but i dunno if i can blog about it yet lol. i have goodies for october! i succeeded in making a dress *dances* and it is awesome. i also made some skins, and lucas is making a skin as well! we have some other goodies still in the works too so its going to be a great month at LuNi.
i however think i may have streached myself a little thin. 2 commissions, 2 gallery submissions, 1 gallery opening, and all the stuff i have to do for LuNi. can you say exausted? yes.. cause i can.
i love doing this stuff but i’ve really never had so much to do so now my brain is going WAIT! CAN WE JUST SIT DOWN A SEC!? and of course i’m telling it hell no cause i have deadlines bitch. *breathes* so yeah.. its an interesting month so far.
for those interested in the gallery stuff i’m doing.. the gallery opening on the 11th is the godart show put on by freakshow. its going to be their last show which makes me sad cause they were awesome and prefer different forms of art instead of just the same happy go lucky shit that won’t let me submit anything because i invoke emotions they don’t like. no i’m not bitter… anyway.. yes.. godart opens and its going to be good. i hope everyone who can, will take a moment and see this show. i think it is a great opportunity for everyone involved to tell their own individual stories and i am really excited to see the work that everyone has done. hell the note card that goes with my piece actually made me cry… and i wrote it!
there’s the poster, which is pretty cool in its self. so you know the show is going to be awesome.
the other galleries i’m going to be a part of is the new cienega soon vampire exhibit. lots of people in that show that i admire so i’m very greatful to be a part of this one as well. also.. vampires! definitely up my alley :p there’s a clickable lm giver to the location in our store if you want to go take a peak at the set up but the pictures are all blacked out until the show. the last gallery is some personal work for my landlady/friend aiko gaea who is setting up a cool art exhibition area on her main sim. i’m doing pictures of her and her girl’s plus maybe a few more.. all the pictures showcase various fetishes (i let the girls pick their faves) not sure when that one will be done (i need to get those finished!) but i know its sometime this month.
PHEW! so much work! and now i need to get back to it…
finally i have confirmed that my computer and new video card can in fact render shadows in second life. however.. it only rendered them in one room of my house AND i could not take a photo of them T_T as soon as i hit the screenshot button the preview that appeared was black and the tiny preview in the screenshot ui was void of shadows, and all lighting for that matter.. it just looked like the world in full bright (which is awful btw..) so i have no proof of my short glimpse of shadows.. but i saw them… they were beautiful.
it took me 3 tries, the first time i hit true on renderDeffered it paused the client and then jumped back to false. the second time i hit true, it made my screen go black and i had to relog. the third time though… SHADOWS. i squealed really loud and my mother told me to stfu. but i sat there and watched my avatar be washed in light and shadow from our tv room windows. i walked around a little and found that it sank my fps down to 4, which for me is not too bad as i only average about 10 here and on my old card 4 was max for me.. so i didn’t really notice the lag as most would. the only thing i didn’t like was that i had no anti-aliasing and everything was awful and jagged.. and my eyeballs were shiny. as i walked, i moved into another room and realized.. er.. no shadows here.. there were windows and the room was in a position that the sun should have hit those windows but the room was just blank. the back porch too, which is nothing but windows, had no shadows cast at all. just the one tv room where i had hit true in. then i tried to take a photo in the tv room and had all that junk happen, got angry and rage quit lol. when i came back shadows were gone.. just blank black screen when ever i tried to turn them on.
but of course this stuff is all still in what.. alpha stages? so we have a long time to wait for them to finish tweaking and roll out something everyone who’s card can handle it can use… i’m just happy i got to have a peak… and even if i can’t leave them on all the time, at least i know if they do fix all those weird problems, i can sneak it on and off like i used to do with windlight before i got a card that could handle that.
is nimil really that hard to spell?
i always thought my name was pretty easy to spell, sure its a bitch to pronounce right but spelling? it can be done with one hand. n i m i l. all right hand keyboard keys! so… why do i get called namil? numal? nimal? nami? etc?? seriously… i’d love to know. and its not like you have to guess at the spelling, its floating over my head the entire time i’m wandering around in sl. its right next to everything i type. hell if you have that much of a problem figuring out the spelling, open my profile and copy paste it from the name box there.
another thing driving me nuts today. breaking and entering… today i logged into my home, started looking though my SoM messages, checking out the group notices i had, all that good log in stuff, when i see that familiar green text:
name withheld: is definitely aroused
in my chat window.
ok i live on a bdsm island, and sometimes people wander around with their clicky bits out, so i didn’t think much about it.. until i took a moment to look at the avatar list that the emerald client is so wonderful to provide and see two avatar names in very close proximity to where i am standing.
yes that’s right.. they were IN MY BEDROOM. two “women” fucking on my 3000L$ bed. so i did what any sane home owner would do. i screamed GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE, and then hit the bounce and ban button. oh how i love that button, it is so rare that i get to use it, but when i do i relish the moment.
so anyway one of them im’s me with “ok.. sorry” to which i replied “learn to read, enjoy your ban” yeah i know i’m a bitch, but seriously, this is MY house, and it even says PRIVATE RESIDENCE in the title bar. you have no excuse… not to mention my doors are locked and when you click them it tells you that they are locked. so these people cammed in and sat on something in my home to fuck on my bed.
ok and i know noobs do this.. yeah.. i have no idea why noobs break into people’s homes, i never did.. but they didn’t even have the excuse of that. both of these “ladies” were from 2006. NO EXCUSE. so i hope they enjoyed their trip to the edge of the sim.
*breathes* ok i feel better now.
i love japanese sims.. they are one of my favourite things to visit in second life. their stores are always awesome and their sims are always beautiful. so here’s the start of a new series i’ll try to keep up in my blog.
this time my adventures took me to a random location i found on the map called “Neet”.
the teleport point chucks you underwater though.. so your first impression of the sim is something like this:
the first thing you see when you arrive in neet is a convenience store that looks strangely like a 7-11 from the sign. the interior is pretty dead but there was a noose hanging from the ceiling as well as this turret camera… we had an interesting discussion on recycling…
the only really interesting thing to see inside the convenience store was this rack of really cute magazines, each of them look staged using second life photos of some odd pig avvie.. CUUUTTEEE
outside was a drink machine that i guess is a photo reproduction of a real coke machine in japan? having never been to japan i dunno if this is real or not but seriously, coke? could you please make american machines look like this??? so much cooler looking than boring old american drink machines.
anyway… moving on..
wandering away from the store i realized pretty quickly that this place is internet meme heaven.. my inner /b/tard squeed at the pit with the caution sign… (and yes i jumped down there and its just a hole)
then there was a pitstop for noodles
this place had a sandbox with some interesting rules.. i love engrish. seriously.. i know translating things from one language to another can end with you getting stuff mixed up.. but i love this stuff.
This sandbox is not a combat district.
Please do not obstruct the person who is producing the object
Please do not use an extreme script
grotesque image is strict prohibition”
i dunno about you guys, but i would love to find some EXTREME SCRIPT.. does that make the creator of the script an EXTREME SCRIPTER? ok i found that way more hilarious last night at 4 in the morning when i found this place…
i… have no idea what this was but it was in the sandbox and it made me lol
and this was just adorable.
and there ended my trip to neet because i had to go play WoW.. however it was a very awesome sim and it even had a gigantic tiny shop off to the side of the sandox.
a few weeks ago i noticed a bunch of fashion blogger people posting about a new blogger challenge where we are asked to make a more large sized shape of ourselves. i always find these challenges interesting because in real life i am not a small girl.. in second life i am just for the simple fact that its what i really want to be. right now i happen to be dieting my little brains out to get to a more healthy weight. so it felt a little odd to plump up my avvie, however i did it and the results were pretty cute!