29/365 happy 3 years

29/365 happy 3 years

29/365 happy 3 years

Originally uploaded by NIMIL[♥]LUCAS !3 years!

3 years ago today, i made a decision that changed my entire life, both inworld and in real life…

today was the day that i decided that i loved lucas, and that it was more than friendship. today was also the day that i decided to return to second life. it was on this day that i was planning a bit of an avatar suicide. i was sick of dealing with crap and i just really saw no reason to log on anymore… and then i got a simple email.. an offline message, asking me to come to a garden.

i’d just met him weeks before, but the moment we met i knew there was a reason for him to be in my life… and so i took him up on his offer, and i went to that garden, i sat, and we talked, about mutual unhappiness with things and people and what not…

i found my soulmate and i’ll never let go.

21/365 – meet mephisto!

21/365 - meet mephisto!

so callie cline dropped this ticket on me and said it was a limited edition alien bunny and i tossed my “no breedable pets” rule out the window >_>

i’m not breeding him because he only makes normal babies, and i don’t want to pay for the food lol but since pet food is pretty cheep i decided to keep him!

so yay limited edition alien bunny <3 i named him after a demon because he looks like one!

14/365 – congrats ryker!

14/365 - congrats ryker!
ryker is about to go live my dream of moving to london <3 i am so jealous but i am really excited for you!

crappy picture cause i was running out of time for this thing XD she’s on the dj booth there.

12/365 – Protip:

12/365 – Protip:

Originally uploaded by N I M I L [is] loved!

don’t come to my house, break in using sit, activate my bed’s poseballs, and tp in your friend to fuck/cuddle/yiff/what ever the fuck you are doing… and then become upset when i BOOT YOU OUT OF MY HOUSE.

noobs, learn early… if it looks like someone’s home, it is. don’t go in! how hard is that? and non-noobs, you should be smarter than that…

i just booted and banned two people who were fucking on my bed while i was offline. our doors are locked and the only way to get in is to sit on something with a sit target, so really there is no way you can accidentally end up in the house or think that it is public property. it even says private property in the title bar!

and don’t bitch at me after i boot you out of the sim for tresspassing. and don’t send your friends to bitch at me either, and tell me that the rules don’t say anything about private homes when they seriously have a whole section in there about them! and no i’m not the owner of the sim but she gave me permission to boot, ban, grief, or shoot anyone who comes into my home uninvited. and i’ll excuse the friend they tp’ed in because they were 5 days old and had no idea what was what.. but the other person? not a noob. no excuse! i have no reason to be “reasonable” to people who break into my house and use my furniture uninvited.

meh.. i logged on to do a 365 picture but all i got was this rant.

9/365 – random acts of kindness

9/365 – random acts of kindness

Originally uploaded by N I M I L [is] loved!

earlier today codie plurked about this awesome pair of doc martins on xstreet. i checked them out and saw the huge pricetag and said they were awesome but expensive! seconds later BAM these shoes were sent to me via xstreetsl by amanda shinji… i was shocked, absolutely shocked, mouth hanging open and what not… i barely know this chick and she’s sending me expensive boots! i love random acts of kindness.. thank you again amanda <3

because of her i now virtually have the boots that i’ve wanted since i was 15. shiny silver doc martins.

6/365 – phases

6/365 - phases

sophia harlow issued an interesting blogger’s challenge to dig up our old selves and compare then and now. so i dug out the 3 major stages of my avatar’s look.

on the left is my orignal self from 2006. i tried to make myself resemble my rl self for some unknown reason. i guess because i was still getting used to things.

in the middle is how i started to look in late 06 and though some of 07. just started to get nice skin (that’s the panjen blood elf skin there) had a little money for clothes and shoes.. that damn green ass hair that i lived in for so long. and the original ears and tail that i made for myself because at the time no one had made rat ears and tail.

and of course on the right is how i look now. well one of my looks anyway, cause i change so often. but its the shape i use now.

i love looking back at how i’ve changed over time. its really fun