Bare @ Rose Appreciation week? yes please!

kay i am too lazy to be a real blogger but i figured since there’s a bare rose appreciation blogger challenge going on i would take a moment to show this:

can has barerose

so this is my bare rose folder… i’ve been a customer of bare rose since i started sl 2 years ago and they weren’t even on their own private island yet! as you can see i’ve amassed quite a collection. not all of it was purchased though.. some of it was won from raffle balls, some of it given to me by friends but a huge chunk of it was bought. and i wear it often XD

hell behind the wall of inventory screens there i’m wearing gl gungirl which i just bought a couple of days ago and haven’t had a chance to move into the bare rose folder.

so yes i think i appreciate bare rose quite a bit hehe… its really amazing to put on the old stuff and then new stuff and see how the store has grown and evolved over time. everything there is amazing.

so i got tagged..

i rarely get tagged so i of course am doing this meme :p

i was tagged by the diva so here you go,the meme was to go to the 6th page of my flickr, and find the 6th photo and blog it:


this is a picture of keeran as he was floating over the dance floor during the end party for musa artis exhibition. he had to leave early so he was going to destroy his build first and i hadn’t even had a chance to alter my windlight settings so it’s all bright and cheery :p i don’t know keeran very well but he’s an all right guy from what i do know about him.

i suck at tagging people for this but i will tag anyone who sees this and has not done it yet :p

Something that’s pissing me off recently

content thieves who are SL Mentors! seriously.. WHAT THE FUCK??!?

recently there was a post on shopping cart disco about someone stealing celestial studio skins. that thief’s profile stated that they were a mentor and yes they were in the official SL Mentor group! just the other day someone on my plurk feed mentioned someone had attempted to clone something of theirs but the script had alerted them that it was being cloned, that person doing the cloning was ALSO an SL mentor..

so what the hell is going on? why are thieves being made into mentors??? is this why theft is so rampant in sl these days? thieves teaching other thieves how to skirt the system… it’s so… depressing… pathetic really.

it’s taken me 2 years of hard work to get to the level i’m at now. i’m not a great designer, and my stuff definitely isn’t top quality, but at least i can say i made it myself.. without being a thief. at least i put some effort into it and didn’t just rip off someone else’s prims.

there. that’s my ranting for the day… it’s just really pissing me off to see people who are supposed to be teaching new sl residents being thieves and taking money away from people who actually do work in sl.

ok and now a post about halloween

puppet and master

so this was our second annual halloween party, last year’s was a great success and this year’s was even better!

this year our personal theme was puppet and puppet master. our venue was a giant doll house, decorated with shadow gears on the dance floor, and huge puppet master hands holding marrionette controls, who’s strings hung down over us as we danced.

pre-halloween party 2008 pre-halloween party 2008 we had some great costumes at the party, the winners of our costume contest were daphne abernathy and dazz anvil. both won special edition skins which are not sold in our store and have never been seen before. halloween party 2008 of course everything started out with chaos. we had some teleport issues and at one point the island was completely inaccessable! i was stuck there all by myself and lucas was stuck in the corner of a near by sim! but the night ended well, and after all of it, we had a wonderful time. you may kiss the bride i also made time to get married that night 🙂

fantasy meets reality

there’s a blog challenge going on and actually i’d already done this about a year ago i think lol…

the blog challenge was to make your avatar look like yourself, well i’m too lazy to take a fresh photo so i’ll just post one that i have.

fantasy meets reality

i’ve always had a little bit of my real life self in my sl self. of course that changes drastically because i am a shape shifter and i can make myself appear as many things, but my original face shape and has always been a pretty close match to the real me. i’m not going to try the body shape because sl’s sliders are not kind to those with large bottoms lol

at any rate i figured i would share this :p if nothing else it gave me something to update this blog with. i really should write about the halloween party and stuff but i’m lazy…

Happy Birthday Isle of Shadows!

wow i can’t believe it’s been a whole year now!

tomorrow starting at 9am slt, our land mistress aiko will be having a huge party for the Isle of Shadows. we’ve lived at the isle for a long time, actually longer than it’s been the Isle of Shadows, but that’s another story for another day. today i would like to congratulate aiko on a full year at isle of shadows, and thank her for allowing lucas and i to live there, and play there.

for those who are not familiar, the isle of shadows is a bdsm community complete with a club, dungeon, and class room. the classes are expertly taught by members of the sl and rl bdsm community, ranging from beginner lessons in how to become involved in bdsm, and how to emote, to advanced classes in protocol, and the psychology of bdsm, etc… as well, the island serves as a beautiful home for those of us who live there.

so here’s to you aiko, thank you for the awesome island and here’s to a few more years (sl willing)!

the party as i mentioned earlier, starts today at 9am slt. here’s the official invite from aiko herself (which i am stealing from lucas’ blog because i am lazy!)

It’s been a year with lots of changes and it’s time to celebrate! The Isle of Shadows is 1 year old!
Come celebrate with the residents of Isle of Shadows and the staff of Shadowplay!

This is the birthday bash of the year! Sponsored by LuNi Designs and Aikostar Designs!

Free Gifts! Great Prizes! Incredible Music!

Oct. 30 Starting at 9AM SLT through 8PM Live music, DJ’s and contests all day!

Schedule of Events
9AM – 11AM Radio Free Aiko – Blues Jam – Best in blue contest $500L Prize! 2 categories Men & Women!
11AM – 12PM Skylord Carnell – Live on Stage at Shadowplay BDSM Club & Lounge!
12PM – 2PM Rebel Girl Radio – Best Halloween Costume contest $500L Prize! 2 categories Men & Women!
2PM – 3PM DJ Nimil’s Best in Blood contest! $500L Prize! 2 categories Men & Women!
3PM – Maximillion Kleene – Live on Stage at Shadowplay BDSM Club & Lounge!
4PM – 5PM Radio Free Aiko Raggae Jam – Grand Prize IOS Pumpkin Hunt Winners!
5PM – 6PM Bosco Constantine – Live on Stage at Shadowplay BDSM Club & Lounge!
6PM – 8PM Strummer Vultee – Live on Stage at Shadowplay BDSM Club & Lounge!

Come on out and join the fun! It’s an all day event at the Isle of Shadows!
Please visit our website

so yes! go check out the awesomeness and hey come see me dj!

i am such a nerd!

i am totally thinking about making an sl scrap book. i have SOOOOO many snapshots from sl and they are all over my hard drive.. only a few select ones make it to flickr.. so i was thinking maybe i can gather up some of the fun shots, and make a digital scrap book! i’m already a photoshop nerd.. so i can pretty much make all of the materials i need… i guess the only thing i really need to find is a place to stick it.

not really sure why i am blogging right now! it’s early in the morning and i have no idea what i am doing…

lucas and i are going to be involved with this ghost hunt sponsored by vain inc. it should be pretty cool.. i’ve made a very awesome prize for our store and i think lucas is going to make some stuff to go with it. i’m not sure if i can talk about it yet so i will wait until it gets closer to time but let me assure you it’s AWESOME!

there’s some really big name stores in this ghost hunt so we’re really excited about the prospect of new traffic for the store.. not to mention maybe someone will finally blog about us! that would be nice…

i have another set of skins that i’ve been slacking on for a few months that i will hopefully finish sometime soon… but with it being october my thoughts turn to evil and stuff so i’ve been putting them aside to make some spooky junk instead XD

blah blah blah i have nothing to write about.. i’m going back to playing with digital scrap book crap! whee!

my favourite place

you know… i opened this program on monday to do a blog challenge post on my favourite place in sl. but for some reason i could not come to one specific place that i concider my "fave". i mean.. my house, for one.. is a favourite place…


i have the ocean before me, photos of loved ones, big smushy couches, and the skylab…

but a girl has to leave home once in a while…

i like midian a meeting

one of the first roleplay sims i ever joined.. i still go there, to people watch.. and on the odd occasion play my quirky little rat girl…


i like water in second life… i don’t have the ability to see the ocean in my real life.. so being able to go and stand on a rock overlooking a stormy sea when ever i feel like it is really a great place…

how i spent my summer vacation

i love rl places rebuilt in second life! i have no idea why… but sometimes it’s fun to visit something real in a world where everything is fake… sort of tethering i suppose.. and reminds us that we still cling to worlds we know even in a world of imagination.

so here it is on sunday and i’ve finally decided: sl is my favourite place.



Originally uploaded by //[Nimil]

Opening THIS coming Saturday 12pmSL and will be open for a month

Keiko Morigi
Stephen Venkman
Mecca Merosi
Divine Tokyoska
Hiro Edelman
Raul Crimson
Shui Shui
Kimberly Mirabeau
Zinc Karas
Khamudy Mannonen
Ganymedes Costagravas
Dingo Utorid
ByrneDarkly Cazalet
Nimil Blackflag

please note, poster made by silverdrake sparrow

do try to come and see this exhibit! the images here are shocking and disturbing.. but beautiful.

a moment of mush…

saint lucas

thank you for always being there for me, even when i am trying to kill you. there is no possible way i could be in this life without you

you're all i can see

you hold me still when all i want to do is run in terror from everything around me.


you’re the only one who knows what i mean… you’re there when the whole world is falling to pieces…

i can't sleep

when i can’t sleep you’re there to lean against and watch over me until my eyes flutter closed.

i love you too

i feel like i don’t say it enough. but I LOVE YOU.