i hate change!

though its pretty much inevitable i hate it all the same. so much is going on in second life and its really driving me batty. i’m not good adjusting and i try to find myself a safe little hole to stay in and when that gets disrupted, everything turns upside down on me for a while.

right now is a time of change in second life, in so many different ways. get ready for ramble.

meshes are still a go, but we’ve lost qarl. 16 and 17 year olds will soon be coming into our world and who knows what that will bring. it could be nothing or it could be a shit storm. i am relived to hear that they will be locked to general grid areas only but that doesn’t stop disgusting people from communicating with them in ims. and yes i know 16 and 17 year olds are not idiots, i know you kids know about sex,They may know about sex pills for men, how they work, when to use them, what are the benefits of using them, it is also  important for young men to focus on healthy habits such as exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet, and maintaining good hygiene.It is also important to have open and honest communication with sexual partners and to prioritize safety by using protection during sexual activity.

i know you kids know about a lot of things. i was a teenager once too. the main problem is, while you might not think its a big deal, the media does, and so we now have a responsibility to make sure that second life doesn’t come off as a pedo-haven. i mean seriously, the media went nuts over ADULTS pretending to be children, how fast do you think they are going to latch onto this new change and milk the non-positive side for all its worth?

yes i am paranoid, live with it.

i cant’ say i’m overjoyed to hear about kids being on the main grid. yeah i know there are some decent ones. some have already transitioned to the mg by turning 18 (arwyn quandry and katharine barry are two that i am really glad to see still kicking around on second life) and yeah there’s probably some that will be joining us who are under age who are cool (smiley barry of course, is the only actual teen grid person i know anymore lol) but even if we are getting some great teens who are innovative and intelligent and possibly more mature than our normal adult mg residents, we will most likely also be getting the brats, the assholes, the script kiddies of the future, the copy botters who ripped off our stuff and brought it to the teen grid to begin with, and who knows what else. so no i’m not exactly thrilled by this announcement.

i’m also not thrilled by the stance of Q linden at the SLCC. telling us that we need to step up and say what’s wrong. where the hell have you been? how many people have to stand up and say uh.. this viewer is shit, before you people actually acknowledge it? we aren’t just complaining because oh you moved a few things around, no you’ve completely upended all of us and even new people can’t get the hang of this thing. a new browser should take someone like me, who’s been in second life for 4 years now, a few minutes to get back into the swing of things. here we are months later and i’m still using torley’s tutorials if i want to even try to use that thing. we have stood up Q, where the hell were you?

and while i’m on the subject of viewers let me just say how completely disgusted i am at the recent emerald drama. i feel so completely lied to and betrayed by these people. i gave them my trust only to find out that i have been lied to, and possibly compromised! all the times i have brushed off people who’s opinion on emerald seemed so paranoid. i kept thinking that if LL had them on the list, then they must be compliant and nothing dangerous could possibly happen! but no, that was not the case. first i read lordgreggreg’s post about secretly encrypted stuff in my viewer of choice, and then find out that they also used that viewer to attack someone’s website. both of these are big fat NO’s in my book.

i refuse to use something that i cannot trust. even if what lordgregreg’s post was about was just a butt hurt dev trying to defame (which i don’t think it is, i honestly think he is concerned with security here.) i still do not want to be caught up in some kind of retarded viewer drama. i am very disappointed that they have somehow managed to sucker in not one but 2 ex-lindens to help them out, and i hope that those ex-lindens will take the time to research what they are getting into before they are too deep to get out of it. these people seem so very immature to me..

looking into things it does seem like one dev may be a scammer in other communities, and that furthers my opinion on why i need to switch clients.

i apologize to those who i have brushed off and called paranoid for their opinions on the emerald viewer and its devs. and i apologize to those who i have recommended this client to, because it is surely not safe to use.

for now i have switched to imprudence, which is a very good substitute for someone coming off of using emerald for pretty much an entire year now. one of the dev’s from emerald is someone i was friends with on plurk and i remember her talking about it in its beginnings and so i chose to check that out before any other client. its great so far and it seems like the team is mature and actually focused on making a viewer instead of making a fool out of themselves. and weekly builds really show you just how active they are at fixing problems and working on new ideas.

where is our world headed?


for the past 4 years second life has been a second home to me and over that time i have watched it change in both good and ugly ways.

recently there have been all these lay offs, which i cannot really understand. i do know when layoffs occur it usually means a business is in financial trouble, but with all the privately owned sims and people still paying premium account membership fees i can hardly believe that we would be in that much hot water money wise…

so what is bringing on all of these bad decisions? does anyone know? not even phillip linden would discuss it during the recent "town hall". instead it was more disappointing hype and a supposed promise to make things fast easy and fun.

today saw another linden lost to the axe, and this one shocked me beyond belief. of all the lindens to get rid of, they got rid of qarl?!? i’m not saying he’s better than any one else working at the lab but he is the father of sculptie prims and that only leads me to believe that we are not going to get meshes, or flexy sculpties, and that’s pretty disappointing. sculpties revolutionized our world and gave us so many more options for creating.

i wish that we could have some answers. what did we do to deserve a collective cold shoulder from LL?

i’m not a doom-sayer and i don’t think the end is nigh… but i think we are looking at some hard times ahead.

imagine peace

i was pretty shocked to find out a couple of days ago that yoko ono has a sim in second life! lucas found out about it on twitter and retweeted the invite to go see a lighting of the imagine peace tower. he and i went to the second lighting of the night and we were pretty disappointed that it was fairly empty. we did meet up with crap mariner there, and i listened while they and lucas talked about the early days of the internets (which always makes me feel like a baby) we hung out for a while and i took some photos.

peace of crapabove us only skyno hell below usits easy if you tryimagine there's no heaven

and no crap was not having problems rezzing. they have become a shadow of their former self.

you can check out the imagine peace tower here.

the birth of legion

i finally got everything in order and built my new computer. this is something that has been a long time coming and i’m so happy its finally done. everything is so damn fast now and i am giddy every time i log in and see things moving like they are supposed to move. here i thought i was doing good with 10fps. hahaha try 50fps now!

needless to say, i’m back in sl and everything is a-ok. i’m still getting back into the swing of things but i am alive and well and i figured i would let the readers of my blog know.

if you want to read about the computer set up and all that, check out my real life blog which has specs and pictures and stuff. my computer is named “legion” after the creepy AI in mass effect.

my computer is dead.

this is just a message to let you know that my computer has taken its last breath and has passed on today at sometime while i was asleep. the video card fan has stopped turning and this has pretty much given me the kick in the tail needed to go ahead and use my savings to purchase a new computer.

it lived a good life, but probably lived longer than it should have. i bought it from walmart in 2004 (i think it was 04?) after i fried my first computer. its lived though several upgrades but i think the day has come to lay it to rest and go get the monster computer sitting in my newegg wishlist basket.

anyway, because of this i will not be on second life much if at all until i get this new computer ordered. the only computer i have at the moment is my mother’s laptop which is kind of crap. i do have my ipod and the pocket metaverse app so you might see me show up online to get offlines or something but i will not be able to do anything else.

i should be back soon, i just have to go order this monster. if anyone has any questions about LuNi please direct them to Lucas Gerard as i will not be able to handle anything sl related until i return.

the blog i ment to write a couple days ago

oops *dusts off the blog* sorry i’ve been pretty much MIA for a while here. my second life has been just a wee bit boring and i’ve been stuck in RL with some things as well.

the other day was my 4th rezday in second life. i’m really surprised i made it this long.

when i started second life, i was not really joining it for any specific reason. i just like to join things, i like to play video games, and they had just opened the sign ups for people without credit cards, so i joined. i had seen second life over the shoulder of someone else, but they were strictly just a furry so i only saw the furry part of sl, and i assumed that furries ran the place. of course i was wrong :p

i used to go to random places like the angry ant, and sit on a bar stool or in a booth and watch other people because i had (and still have) absolutely no social skills. i guess one of the reasons i actually joined was because i was trying to force myself to be social in some way or another.

that is where i met my second life sister lindsay. she was a dancer at the angry ant. she’d only started second life a few months before me and she seemed like the life of the party, so i had no idea why she was talking to me, goofy little noob, but she was, and we ended up best friends. even though my stupid times and even though her stupid times, we have never lost that friendship. most likely if i had met her in real life, we never would have spoken, but thanks to second life, we have a bond that will last forever.

i love second life because it has helped me in so many ways, and even though there have been times when i have wanted to grab lindens by the collar and shake them for stupid ideas that they have come up with (the verification mess, the 2.0 client, the homestead crap) i still would not trade this world for any other. because of second life i have gained skills, i have made friends, and i found my soul mate. i have been a mother, a fashion designer, a model, a photographer, a dancer, and half a dozen other things.

i sound like some sort of infomercial for second life don’t i? every year i sit here in awe at how much i have changed since the first time i logged on. sure i still have a lot to work on, and yeah i’m still pretty bad at some things, but i have learned so much here, and i think i would be pretty lost if it went away.

my rezday party was small, and that’s my fault because i didn’t decide i wanted one until it was already half over. i dj’ed some random crap for who ever showed up from my and lucas’ friends list. it was mostly our sl families. and then i zonked out like a rock and forgot to do my poppins jump photo for moggsy 🙁 i’ll have to do a belated one.

58/365 : lost in the fog, one last time

58/365 : lost in the fog, one last time

Originally uploaded by *nimil*

today was kind of a meh day, with nothing much to do and then rain and storms which lag my internets.. so i felt meh today and decided to go to little silent hill. to my dismay when i got to where LSH is supposed to be.. i was greeted with empty land, no fog, and a wishing well. for a moment i thought maybe i was lost, i checked the owner’s profile, her picks gave me the bad news i didn’t need. little silent hill has been closed down.

LSH has always been one of my favourite places in second life. when i started SL back in 2006, i looked up silent hill randomly one day and i found that place. i lived in jack’s inn for a while, i have all the freebies, i even wore the silent hill tshirt from that pack for a long time when i was just starting out. i’d always wanted my sl wedding to be in the balkan church. in 2007 i got my account payment info verified for the simple fact that they made the land restricted to verified accounts only. when windlight came out, i even made a windlight setting especially for it.

so many memories now gone.. i’ve lost way too much this year…

where was i?

a lot of people have been asking where i’ve been. i’ve gotten quiet and pretty much all of march i was rather inactive on my blog, flickr, and other stuff. well the first reason for that is just real life depression, and i’m slowly trying to work though that. still a lot of stuff to get used to after the death of my father.

the second reason for this is that lucas and i were working on a sim for a store owner who contacted him. although he doesn’t usually do custom work, we were asked to build them a 100% custom build. everything from textures to sculpties to terraforming, all of it was 100% made by us, no prefab work at all. and he would have free reign on the idea of how it should look. that perked his interest and we decided to accept it.

it ended up with too many things changed to what was laid out to make the effort worth while, so we decided to part ways with them after the initial month.

fortunately we got some really good material out of it that might turn out to be sold at the store. among other things, it gave us a new store build to play with too.

to leave this entry i thought i would share some pictures that i took while we were building the sim.

most of this work is lucas’ i’m not much of a builder so he’s the star here. i made some cool textures though and it taught me a lot about making textures for builds.

what we did in march

lucas had a cool idea for this place including some stuff he never got the chance to build. one thing he was able to build was the heart.

in his own words:

“i wanted to imagine a sim having a heart, literally. and since we’ve kinda worked with ‘heart themes’ in the past this was an idea that kept appealing to me. to imagine a transplanted heart growing inside of a sim and spreading its arms out to touch and make everything its own.”

to give you an idea of how big that heart was… that little hard to see dot to the right is lucas standing there… so just imagine how massive it was in person.

what we did in march

what we did in march

the store build was based loosely on the house from edward scissorhands, and i’m really kinda glad we get to keep it, because i love it. and yes i’m trying to talk him into making prefabs, but feel free to try begging him yourself as well :p

what we did in march

what we did in march

i made this awesome window light thing! it came out pretty cool for my first try at something like this. i also made the textures for the store including that awesome shattered window.

in the end i can’t say i’m not disappointed that we didn’t get to finish the sim. we had some great ideas for the rest of the place that we never got a chance to make. i hope that lucas will put some of this stuff up for sale in the future.



Originally uploaded by NIMIL[is] too busy being a badass

lucas and i were wandering mainland. we found this odd little japanese club out on an island in the middle of nowhere. it was really nice and they had these great couches that we fell in love with >_> ended up buying it and its loveseat for our house!