weenie cocks

no not really but that was the most recent search result someone googled and found my blog, so i figured i’d make it the subject.

i really have nothing to blog about.. well ok yes i do, but i dunno if i can blog about it yet lol. i have goodies for october! i succeeded in making a dress *dances* and it is awesome. i also made some skins, and lucas is making a skin as well! we have some other goodies still in the works too so its going to be a great month at LuNi.

i however think i may have streached myself a little thin. 2 commissions, 2 gallery submissions, 1 gallery opening, and all the stuff i have to do for LuNi. can you say exausted? yes.. cause i can.

i love doing this stuff but i’ve really never had so much to do so now my brain is going WAIT! CAN WE JUST SIT DOWN A SEC!? and of course i’m telling it hell no cause i have deadlines bitch. *breathes* so yeah.. its an interesting month so far.

for those interested in the gallery stuff i’m doing.. the gallery opening on the 11th is the godart show put on by freakshow. its going to be their last show which makes me sad cause they were awesome and prefer different forms of art instead of just the same happy go lucky shit that won’t let me submit anything because i invoke emotions they don’t like. no i’m not bitter… anyway.. yes.. godart opens and its going to be good. i hope everyone who can, will take a moment and see this show. i think it is a great opportunity for everyone involved to tell their own individual stories and i am really excited to see the work that everyone has done. hell the note card that goes with my piece actually made me cry… and i wrote it!


there’s the poster, which is pretty cool in its self. so you know the show is going to be awesome.

the other galleries i’m going to be a part of is the new cienega soon vampire exhibit. lots of people in that show that i admire so i’m very greatful to be a part of this one as well. also.. vampires! definitely up my alley :p there’s a clickable lm giver to the location in our store if you want to go take a peak at the set up but the pictures are all blacked out until the show. the last gallery is some personal work for my landlady/friend aiko gaea who is setting up a cool art exhibition area on her main sim. i’m doing pictures of her and her girl’s plus maybe a few more.. all the pictures showcase various fetishes (i let the girls pick their faves) not sure when that one will be done (i need to get those finished!) but i know its sometime this month.

PHEW! so much work! and now i need to get back to it…

busy busy busy

ugh.. i have been a busy little undead bee since returning to second life with my new graphics card, so i haven’t had time to really blog much.

in a small span of time i have completed my GODart picture, had a rl birthday, updated some skins and tshirts, and helped lucas make an item for the twisted hunt.


my birthday was the 24th and i gave horrible short notice to my friends, inviting them to the party the night before… and so… hardly any of them showed up. some of them were actually online during the party, but me being too timid a person, was too chicken to im them and ask them why they were not in attendance.. meh.. i’m just going to tell myself that they probably didn’t read the note card..

anyway the party was great! we held it in mismera which is an awesome rp sim owned by my friend fenni crispien. the sim is open to the public but not finished, so it was a perfect place to hold our party. we had it in jolene’s which is a really awesome roadhouse style bar and fenni even “baked” me a cake!

Birthday Cake by Fenni Crispien

is that not the most awesome cake you have ever seen in your friggin life??

we partied until dawn and the partied more… after the official party ended, we ended up sticking around, and i played music from my dark secret archive of booty rap.. lol lots of fun and lots of lucas pole dancing! i have the best boyfriend ever…


happy birthday to me!

the GODart picture i can’t show you yet but of course i will be inviting you all to the gallery when its open in september! so you can check it out there along with the other awesome artists that will be shown as well.

the twisted hunt starts september 1st and i can’t wait! we have an awesome prize and as usual its limited edition AND it is another piece to the doll set that the key (from vain’s feb hunt) comes from! in celebration of that, i updated all 3 of my doll skins with the new eloh elliott template and they are GORGEOUS.

i also redid all of my snarkey tshirts and they are looking great! i am getting better at this stuff and it makes me happy to see how much has changed.

now i need a nap X_x

i am BACK!


and i am soooooo glad to be back.. my new videocard is AMAZING! i have never had over 5fps in second life and now i have over DOUBLE that! on ultra even!

for weeks i have been stuck on my dinky little laptop… it felt like i would never see windlight again 🙁 but i am so glad that this is all fixed and taken care of! and i got my godart picture done and now i’m open for taking photo clients again 😀 i still haven’t come up with a set fee but i think i have a good idea of what to charge.

also it got here before my birthday! which means maybe i can have a party! i haven’t decided yet because i’m lazy and i might just spend the day being cuddly with lucas. but at least it won’t be on the damn laptop!

so now i’m going to go and sort though the enormous backlog of inventory i have piled up from my time away.

there’s something you guys should see

i have an amazing friend in second life named arahan claveau. he does this amazing stuff called art. do you guys know what art is? no i’m not talking about photo shopping second life pictures, i’m talking about actual art! anyway, he’s a part of this great art show and i think you all should check it out.

brooklyn is watching, is an amazing idea set up by a gallery in the real world called “jack the pelican presents”, that allows people to set up small installations (or not so small) on their sim, at no cost, for about a week, and then they kick it back to you. the coolest part about it is that the whole thing is shown, live, via a computer in the actual gallery, that people in the gallery can navigate around with a small eyeball avatar. so not just second life people get to see the exhibits.

recently “biw” had a huge contest to determine the best of their first year in sl, and finally they chose their 5 winners. those winners are Dancoyote Antonelli, Bryn Oh, Nebulosus Severine, Selavy Oh and Glyph Graves. they were all given a copy of a prim version of the real gallery and told to run with it. their installations will be judged by some people and a winner will be determined out of those 5.

now some of the artists didn’t really like the fact that they were pretty much pitted against one another in a competition, and one of those, the winner selavy oh, decided to make his version of the gallery an installation inside an installation.

selavy asked some of the “rejected” artists to join his exhibit, and show their works. sorta sticking up a middle finger to the whole contest and making it even harder for the judges to decide. i really think he should win solely based on the fact that he gave up his chance to show things in favour of giving his space to others.

one of the people asked to make an installation in selavy’s space, is my dear mr. claveau. arahan has made some amazing, and thought provoking art over the years, and has always been a kind and wonderful friend to me, so i was very excited when he invited lucas and i to see what he had done for the show.

why yes, i am being an ass and not taking a good photo of this so that you will have to actually go and see it!

arahan’s exhibit is very personal to him and though it seems very vacant from this photo, there is a lot of feelings involved in it. he includes a note card which will help you understand what he’s trying to get at, but really even without the note card, you can tell that this is a piece of him. he’s recently also written a blog post about it if you would be interested in a full explanation.

the entire show is pretty amazing, and the artists selavy oh picked are all very different and their exhibits are all very… well.. lets just say, different 😉 and i suck because i forgot the names of most of the people showing in selavy’s space, but i do know that ichibot is also in there, and his stuff is usually a lot of wtf.. but i love it. so dammit there’s plenty to see all around!

the show kicks off today at 1pm slt and runs until august 23rd. you can read more about it, and brooklyn is watching at their website. and do go see the show!

tp to the installations

tp to the party that starts at 1pm slt

and while you’re checking out some fantastic art, do make sure to check out arthole as well.


the card stamp rally (now known as CHOICE!) rolled around and knocked me in the face right after buying a very expensive chunk of furniture >_> my wallet and i are now no longer on speaking terms.

i figured i’d just grab one or two things but as usual i went nuts and ended up with several cards hanging off my body. apparently i have never heard of moderation.

lucas and i finally finished the house saturday and put it down on our land. now the furnishing has begun! we’re still working on that part and need to finish making/buying the rest of the stuff we’re going to be putting in it. but i’m so glad the hard part is over with!

we ended up buying this really awesome (AND HUGE!) bed from a small furniture store called “mangoo” the beds are gigantic but they have very sweet poses in them. but because i am crazy for the pose base that instinct sells, we also bought one of those. still need to mod that and set it up, but for now.. relaxing time…

i also want to apologize if the above photos or any photos on this blog are missing.. the host i use for my blog pictures is crapping out i think… fixed.

oh god my wallet

for a while now lucas and i have been working on a new house. we’ve lived in our villa for about a year and something now, and decided it was time for a change. so lucas and i came up with an awesome beach house idea, and he built it. now finally we have gotten to the last little bit of work.. some texture aligning, and adding some windows here and there. its really lovely and i’m excited because we’ve got a lot of prims left over which means lots more room for me to decorate!

i’ve spent a ton of money on furniture and hardly got anything! why does furniture in sl cost so much X_x its nice stuff though, and i really appreciate the hard work people have put into the furniture that we got, but damn.. its insane what stuff costs, so in order to preserve a little bit of cash for myself, i’m also trying my hand at building some stuff for the house as well.

i have a secret love for building furniture, but i never really make anything fancy so i never sell it. i made an entire kitchen set up, as well as a little booth and table for the dining area. lucas helped me make some really nice chairs for one of the patio areas, and i’m building more cushy furniture for our tv area.

the house lucas is making is amazing, and i’m not just saying that because he’s making it. i seriously love it, and i can’t wait to show it off! but no pictures till its done being textured cause we’re still working on those textures and it looks silly at the moment.

in other news, i’m getting kinda pissed at the thinc press guy… he has this rediculous update system that requires him to be online to send me my update. its been over a week now i believe.. and i still don’t have my press. i paid a huge chunk of change for that and the book a while ago, and i really don’t like the idea of purchasing it again. so if anyone who reads this knows this guy, could you please poke him and tell him to send me my update!!!!

because of the lack of the thinc press, my awesome photography books will be postponed as well as the ability to offer photo albums for my photo clients. that really sucks :/

other than that, its been a pretty good week. i’m working on some clothes again and i’m getting better all the time!

oh yes should probably mention before i go, its a couple of days till august, and august is my RL birthday month! it also means that my pro flickr account is going to expire… (on the 19th) not going to beg or anything but since i have no real world money >_> if anyone would like to help me keep that.. click here it would be an awesome birthday present!

well that’s all for me, here’s an adorable photo i did before i go.


strange things you do when you’re bored

i’m building a photo studio high above the LuNi store, and i made it a big box that i can change the light and texture of at will. after finishing with it, i made it full bright, white, and glowing.. and then danced around in it with a windlight setting that made me pitch black.

experimenting with light and the lack ofexperimenting with light and the lack ofexperimenting with light and the lack ofexperimenting with light and the lack of

there’s also a video that goes with this but for some reason i can’t embed it on this blog so just click here to see it.

not much else to say, haven’t been really doing much lately. i do want to say… i’m not dead lol so don’t miss me :p i’m only an im away.

the future is bright… um.. as you can see. heh.

so its Saturday

and i was trying to come up with something to blog about but i couldn’t so instead i’ll just blog about life.

this whole week i’ve been traveling back and forth to 1 store… aoharu. why you ask? well because they have an amazing 50% off sale going on and i need to quell my fear of sculpted prim clothing and colour.

here’s me, fainting in the middle of aoharu, realizing my wallet is going to be raped of its contents any moment…

i ended up not buying as much as i figured i would.. i couldn’t decide on things, and i still could not bring myself to buy clothes that were in colours other than black! (i have a serious problem here…)

i got a shirt, and a jacket/dress thing.. and a hair, which i’ll probably blog all of on forced midnight. stopped off in the shoe department where i was greeted by this scary poster:

ok i am not saying this isn’t amazing photo work, but.. is.. she.. holding her foot up to show it to us!?!?! like “hay guyz! check out my detachable foot!” that’s the part that kinda freaked me out a bit about the whole thing.

so i rushed home after oggling everything and figured i’d drag lucas back there later and force him to buy sexy mens clothing.

bad idea! ok not totally a bad idea because rawr.. lucas looks hot in the stuff he got but holy fuck! the modding he had to do just to get things to fit his body was insane. we’d both expected to have to mod a little of course, but we also figured that, being that the store was japanese, he’d have a chance to fit into this stuff without much mod work because usually the japanese male clothing we find fits him pretty well. not the case here. it took him over an HOUR to mod a suit to fit his body. and another 30 minutes for the two jackets he bought. one shirt we’re still having problems with the collar on. so ouch.. buyer beware, if you aren’t one with the prims, you are going to have a hell of a time. lucas also took the plunge and purchased the men’s sandals with the prim toes. they came out pretty nice, and i decided today to give over to temptation and buy some myself…

yes i am was prim foot virgin, i did not own any pairs of shoes with prim feet, not even prim toes. i was a bit of a snob for a while, stating that i would never… but yes.. i did… i bought not one but 2 pairs of shoes from this store. a pair of heels and a pair of sandals. i bought the wrong colour sandals (that’s what i get for not letting things rez) but i still kinda like them, and i will probably go pick up the right ones later on tonight. oh and then i talked myself into buying a bright green dress.

the shoes that i got were.. interesting.. adjusting them so i didn’t have the scary leg/foot gap was easy, which was a relief.. i have seen so many horribly modded prim feet that i was worried i would look awful. i can’t get them to match my skin completely because my skin is a little more highlighty than the foot skin but i tried my best to match them up.. please do not fug my feet lol i am still a noob at this D:. the hud that you get for the feet is nice except it does not save the custom colours like it says it does.. and i’ll most likely send a note to the creator about that. also i don’t really like the +/- red blue green options.. i would much rather be able to input rgb values like some other shoes out there. however for a first time prim foot wearer, i like them and they look nice on me.

what else did i do this week?

well i got married… again. something that lucas and i have always done. anytime we find a working chapel in second life, we get married. its very romantic and one of these days i will make a wedding album of the photos of all our chapel escapades. this one was set up kinda like a vegas chapel complete with a little veil and bouquet for the bride.

and a sculptie elvis (who’s curled lip makes his face look kinda deformed). so congrats to us for getting married for the 238947294756234723th time.

there was also general silliness last night when my brother invited me to visit him and his wife while they planned out a new sky box. my sister was also there as well as ava’s best friend, so we had a little mini party. this is us playing onigokko.

and so that’s what i’ve done this week. its been alot of fun, and my wallet hates me.

just adding this photo to remind myself, and everyone else.. this is why i log into second life… <3

what is going on

i’m not sure if anyone noticed, but i deleted my plurk. i guess its not that big of a deal, i really didn’t have much to say anyway. i deleted it because i got bored of it, i was marking all as read all the time and not even reading most of what was posted on there. i also deleted it to give myself one less place to open my big mouth, because it gets me in trouble. there are too many people on there that piss me off, and seeing them respond to things, i bite my tongue a lot. so this is me getting the hell out of there before i completely ruin myself in the eyes of second life.

but anyway, since no one has im’ed me freaking out about it or anything, i’m guessing its not going to really affect anyone’s life. i am going to try and write in this blog more, but i’m really not doing anything interesting in SL right now. i seem to have the dull disease in all lives.

i am working on making some books of my artwork to sell in the gallery upstairs in our store. i realized alot of people love my stuff but have no where to hang it, so i figured, i have a thinc press that never gets used, why don’t i just make books for people to enjoy! and so that’s what i’m going to do. the first book should have everything you see in the gallery now, plus a few that aren’t in there that i love. more on that after i actually get it all together.

how much do people charge for photoshoots? the answers i get from that question are insanely random. so many different prices and i have no clue where i should set mine. if you’re a photographer, or know one, help me out? give me some ideas… i am stuck on that one minor detail.

and before i close the blog tonight, i want to remind you to visit www.noh8sl.com/ and check out the inworld gallery. i am so proud to be a part of this project.

NOH8 (originally taken by Trace Osterham)